Career Research and Resources for Companies in MD
Limbach Company L.L.C.
: My responsibilities were to be on site walk site early in the morning see if anything had changed on it overnight to make an unexpected unsafe condition for any of the sub-contractors or my trades, next get ant work permits needed , so the men could burn or weld in an area without something exploding or a fire starting or setting off fire alarms and the fire company shows up with ambulance. Attend progress meeting see if...
Avg. Salary: $76,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Power and Combustion Inc.
China Place Washington D.C. twelve story high rise building connecting to the MCI center. Apartments and 4 city blocks of stores and theatres under one roof. During the building of this a lot of design to achieve a finish product had been missed. Now structural steel had to be installed in area’s that had already been built. Receive contract to perform job. Mobilize all equipment and tools to sit along with containers or to...
Avg. Salary: $76,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
The Poole & Kent Corporation
Receive contract for both jobs study them to see if there is anything out of the ordinary which at an airport or in the FBI academy there is a very good chance there is because of security and safety. At Dulles all I had to do is attend all progress meetings once a week and go there if there was a safety or manpower problem there was especially safety. Both jobs had to be studied so you could mobilize for them. Get all the ...
Avg. Salary: $76,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
The Poole and Kent Coorporation
federal court house. Everything behind schedule or not meeting quality of work standards. Packed up clothing and tools to go to work out of normal area. Arrive d at courthouse in Georgia started walking it down to try to see where the completion status of the job was at it was not near completed and know one seemed to know how to. Replaced the man running the job nice enough people just had no productivity with him. Then h...
Avg. Salary: $76,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Drees Homes
Evaluate and provide information on advertising and promotion programs for compatibility with market. Foster Customer relations, develop company image and identity in market, including the use of logos and signage, and conducted analysis to determine competitive placement in market. Maintain sales quota initiatives and implementing a pipeline qualified criteria of business to close prospects via various lead generation a...
Avg. Salary: $45,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Forti/Poole & Kent L.L.C.
Responsibilities were to go after the juvenile justice building in down town Baltimore. It would receive a lot of publicity, with these two companies just joining together that would help them area wise.Forti handled the steel erection, Poole and Kent took everything else block, pipe, security everything. Being in down town Baltimore with one way streets,electric lines and security while being built we had our problems. We ...
Avg. Salary: $76,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Forti/Poole & Kent L.L.C.
Install all structural steel, silo's, ans support steel for piping Just West of the L furnace this facility ground coal up so fine it could be blasted by small pipes in the furnace to help it burn more efficiently.
Avg. Salary: $76,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Forti/Poole & Kent L.L.C.
My duties were to oversee the erection of the 770,000 square foot structure in a manner so other trades could perform their work to meet dead lines to install machinery as it arrived on site. No area was started and completed before another area had to be started and worked at one time there were 5 cranes various sizes, 30 man lifts and 22 welding outlets for iron workers alone. The pipe fitters were 2 shifts round the cloc...
Avg. Salary: $76,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Namco Services
Baltimore Maryland M&T Bank Football Stadium To make all erection plans for the steel they wanted weights and measures put on paper before we ever started, to make sure we were safe and documentation to fall back on. Figure out all manpower needs make sure they had all the proper certifications to perform their work. See that all steel came in sequences correctly not because I had no place to lay it because it was so big we...
Avg. Salary: $76,000 · Company Rank: Not Available
Forti/Poole & Kent L.L.C.
Study over the print changes from the original erection of the steel mill so I could figure out what tools and equipment would be needed to perform my work. To make sure all work was done to the specifications in the contract and up to quality by code. Make sure it was on schedule and on budget. Perform work safely, and if there were any engineering changes document them, get them approved by the client so we could be reimb...
Avg. Salary: $76,000 · Company Rank: Not Available