Account Executive Career Research and Resources

Alliance Telecom Solutions

Telecommunications - Account Executive - Seattle, WA

Regional sales management responsibility for the Pacific NW. Key Account Manager. Alliance provides professional services exclusively for the wireless communications industry. Areas of expertise includes Consulting Services (SOW projects), all functional & technical areas of Project Management, Technical Analysis, Business Analysis, Infrastructure Design and Network Integration Services.

Avg. Salary: $65,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Nexus IS

Telecommunications - Account Executive - Renton, WA

Consulted on IP convergence solutions. Offerings include: IP Telephony Design & Implementation, IP Call/Contact Center/Help Desk Implementation, Out-sourced/Out-tasked Management Services, Network Security, and Advanced Data/Telecom Field Support/Professional Services/Products (Cisco & NEC).

Avg. Salary: $65,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

BlitzNet, Inc.

Telecommunications - Account Executive - Sacramento, CA

Deliverables include the development of market strategy concepts, vendor selection (Cisco Systems, Proxim, Allot, and Air Defense), training, and government account acquisition (State of California CMAS contract) for the Wireless/WIFI arena. Planned, coordinated and directed the corporate strategic account development plan,

Avg. Salary: $65,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Collective Technologies

Telecommunications - Account Executive - Redmond, WA

Professional Service Sales that involved hi-level project based/solution services for architectural consulting and system implementation engagements as well as staff augmentation for AT&T Wireless/Cingular. Sold project based services such as: Operational Assessments, Network Services, System and Database Administration services (Staff Augmentation & out-tasking services), Security Services, Storage Assessments and Outsourc...

Avg. Salary: $65,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Siemens ICN Energy & Communications Group

Telecommunications - Account Executive - Redmond, WA

Complex Sales Specialist for the Network and Communication Group of Siemens ICN. Sold high level project and integration services, security services, telecommunications/data products and services (Siemens & Cisco), Outsourced Help Desk and Maintenance Services as well as coordinated task force projects that combined the many professional service arms of Siemens ICN.

Avg. Salary: $65,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Lucent Technologies - NetCare Professional Services Division

Telecommunications - Account Executive - Seattle, WA

Marketed solution based professional service offerings including: LAN/WAN Integration, Data Center deployment, network deployment and related consulting services, break/fix on site support, help desk support, Internet infrastructure services, project management, network managed services, security audits & assessments.

Avg. Salary: $65,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Novadyne Computer Systems

Telecommunications - Account Executive - Redmond, WA

SUN based Enterprise Solutions. Consulting services & professional services, security audits, maintenance and field support, network management and disaster recovery for the Sun arena.

Avg. Salary: $65,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Memorex Telex Corporation

Telecommunications - Account Executive - Kirkland, WA

Network Integration/Mainframe Controller Migration Group sales. Initiated, developed, and maintained the companies largest account base for the Pacific NW. Initiated and maintained the largest field service support contract the PAC NW office held (State of Washington Government Services) .

Avg. Salary: $65,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Datec, Inc

Telecommunications - Account Executive - Seattle, WA

Player/Coach Manager for Sales, Supplies and Technical Services staff in the DEC and PC Networking arena. Recognized for achieving the most challenging objectives in both healthy and recessionary business climates. Responsible for securing the companies highest revenue service contract (John Fluke Manufacturing) .

Avg. Salary: $65,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Time Warner Cable

Telecommunications - Account Executive - Charlotte, NC

Assisted small businesses in identifying telecommunication, video, internet and security issues and providing solutions by utilyzing Time Warner services and products.

Avg. Salary: $40,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available