Account Manager Career Research and Resources


Marketing & Advertising - Account Manager - New York, NY

In charge of online re-branding team for Unisys. Managed and headed a team of information architects, software developers & creative talent that delivered the Unisys web portal in 2001. 􀀀 In charge of the IA & creative teams that created the Cisco “opportunity exchange” extranet application. 􀀀 The application was so successful that it was moved it outside of the firewall and used enhance Cisco’s business globally. 􀀀 In ...

Avg. Salary: $120,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Marketing & Advertising - Account Manager - Brooklyn, NY

Developed technical strategies, and solutions utilizing technology to support client’s business needs. 􀀀 Lead strategist and architect for a full feature Content Management System. Built around the needs of Small & Medium Enterprises (SME’s). Deployed successfully as an ASP service. 􀀀 Lead strategist and information architect for a new web based platform for school’s progress reports. A high ROI product that cuts the ti...

Avg. Salary: $120,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Park Slope SoftWorks

Marketing & Advertising - Account Manager - Brooklyn, NY

Work with developers and partners to enable companies to maximize their ROI on their online marketing campaigns. 􀀀 Developed a highly qualified team of experts from technology, business intelligence, online marketing, analytics & data warehousing to provide a high quality, comprehensive solution for leads & sales generation, conversion.

Avg. Salary: $120,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

FrontRange Solutions

Marketing & Advertising - Account Manager - Colorado Springs, CO

Responsible for the complete product life cycle for all products. Developed and executed market strategy, product definition and strategy, go-to-market plan, launch plan, campaigns, PR & AR and social media & inbound marketing marketing.

Avg. Salary: $185,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Comprehensive Software Solutions,

Marketing & Advertising - Account Manager - Golden , CO

Identified and implemented full product life cycle for suite of solutions. Managed product marketing, product management and development. Led staff of 150 with eight direct reports and budget of $5M.

Avg. Salary: $185,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Marketing & Advertising - Account Manager - Colorado Springs, CO

Developed and implemented product strategies. Defined market requirements, developed business proposals including budget and ROI analysis. Led staff of two for software solutions for insurance companies. Created product / training materials. Managed and negotiated vendor contracts.

Avg. Salary: $185,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Mendelsohn/Zien Advertising

Marketing & Advertising - Account Manager - los angeles, CA

Developed, presented analysis, strategy and tactical recommendations for most of the agency's clients. Made internal account teams and clients smarter in the process. Wrote offbeat newsletter, "Burger Beat," for 12 years, becoming a blog called

Avg. Salary: $67,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Davis Ball & Columbatto Advertising

Marketing & Advertising - Account Manager - Sacramento and Tucson, CA

Oversaw DBC Tucson and supervised McDonald's Restaurants regional accounts in Tucson, Sacramento and Chico-Redding cooperatives. Conducted monthly Executive Board and Coop monthly meetings for program discussion and approval. Extensive travel.

Avg. Salary: $67,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Tracy-Locke Advertising,

Marketing & Advertising - Account Manager - Dallas and San Francisco, CA

Managed successful Taco Bell regional coops in many Western markets following role as Media Planning Supervisor in same markets.

Avg. Salary: $67,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Bernstein-Rein, DMBB Advertising

Marketing & Advertising - Account Manager - San Diego, CA

Supervised/approved ad strategies, creative, POP and media for 361 Blockbuster Video locations. Sales grew 8% in this time. Negotiated $4mm in media bonus value on top of $9.2mm media spending. At client request, transitioned from Bernstein-Rein to DMBB when account changed hands.

Avg. Salary: $67,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available