Career Research and Resources for Companies in MD


Information Technology - System Engineer - California, MD

HPC tools solve complicated and time-consuming problems. Researchers expand their toolkit to solve modern military and security problems using HPC hardware and software. Programs can assess technical and management risks, such as performance, time, available resources, cost, and schedule. Through HPC solutions, programs gain knowledge to protect our military through new weapons systems, prepare US aircraft for overseas depl...

Avg. Salary: $125   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Infotek International Inc

Information Technology - System Engineer - White Plains, MD

Pamela Gilliam founded Infotek Consulting Services in August of 1989 two years later, Infotek Consulting Services became Infotek International, Inc. reflecting Ms. Gilliam's vision of a world class organization. Gilliam has over 20 years experience in Information Technology and Management Services graduated from Darden Minority Executive Management Program, Towson State University and the University of Maryland respectively...

Avg. Salary: $125   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Lockheed Martin

Information Technology - System Engineer - Essex, MD

Data architect for hazard assessment and strategy formulation system and method for a vessel may comprise a hazard assessment element receiving alarms and/or data for assessing the type and severity of a hazard, plurality of models for modeling different hazards, and a strategy formulation element for formulating a strategy of tasks for responding to the type and severity of hazard represented by the hazard assessment, ...

Avg. Salary: $125   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

National Association of BlacK Accountants

Management & Business - Chief Operations Officer - Greenbelt, MD

Directed the internal operations of $4M Association, including core functions of Marketing, Membership, Communications, IT, Programs, and Human Resources to ensure deliverance of key components of Strategic Plan. Managed 10 direct reports and directly responsible for 12 key strategic partner relationships.

Avg. Salary: $130,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Radius Travel

Information Technology - Business Analyst - Bethesda, MD

Master Data Management, Process Mapping and Analysis, Data Modeling, Database Design, System Analysis

Avg. Salary: $85,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

CW Financial

Management & Business - Director - Silver Spring, MD

Managed Debt Collection & Processes for 120 CW Stores Spanning 10 States & Generating $65M in Annual Revenue Managed debt collection efforts and processes for all CW stores to include check cashing and pay day loans. Worked and improved the skill sets of management and staff in the Philadelphia Operation Center. Created a new brand in Philadelphia and New Jersey areas, and set up radio and television spots for the new st...

Avg. Salary: $100,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Center for Advanced Lifecycle Engineering

Engineering & Architecture - Mechanical Engineer - College Park, MD

To develop and execute test programs to increase reliability of vehicle mounted electronics

Avg. Salary: $90,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

EDIT, Inc.

Information Technology - Developer - Lexington Park, MD

Provided Microfocus COBOL/ORACLE/SQL analytical and programming support to various financial subsystems within the Defense Financial Accounting System (DFAS). DFAS provides standard financial accounting and reporting support to Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force users in Lexington Park, Maryland.  Performed system analysis to determine cause of production problem(s)  Modified Microfocus COBOL program(s) to c...

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

SRA International, Inc

Science & Biotech - Medical Scientist - Frederick, MD

Specific duties: (1) Grant proposal writing: I wrote the technical sections for large government contract bids for health and health IT projects. (2) Grants administration: -Managed all aspects of scientific grant review panel formation and proceedings -Selectively recruited scientist reviewers and chairs by best-fit expertise to panels -Coached scientist and patient advocate reviewers in critique writing of grant applic...

Avg. Salary: $100,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Science & Biotech - Medical Scientist - Bethesda, MD

Conducted molecular studies, specifically: investigated epigenetic mechanisms that governed the self-renewal and differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells into cartilage, bone, and other mesenchymal lineages, utilizing extensive biochemical, cell biological and tissue culture approaches.

Avg. Salary: $100,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available