Physicist Career Research and Resources

Bartlett Nuclear

Science & Biotech - Physicist - Forked River, NJ

Duties included: Evaluated portal monitors (PM-7s) for internal dose sensitivity at the alarm set point using plant smears and part 61 waste stream analyses. Provided client with a report covering the options to reduce the potential liability from internal dose caused by hard to detect transuranics in plant waste streams. Also, provided guidance to corporate licensing to developed the legal basis for changing ALI values ...

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

First Energy

Science & Biotech - Physicist - Oak Harbor, OH

Duties included: Completed Basic Instructor Training for Radiation Protection. • Developed and/or reviewed existing health physics lesson plans, corrected material as necessary o Created lesson plans on shutdown plant chemistry o Researched and created lesson plans of origin of radioactive contamination in a nuclear reactor from industry documents for knowledge capture and retention (my own initiative) o Completed the 200...

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Emergency Preparedness Software Consultant

Science & Biotech - Physicist - Port Clinton, OH

Duties included: Provided consulting services to provide software documentation and validation testing for an existing airborne offsite dose model used during a nuclear power plant emergency. • Developed documentation based on testing and review of the operation of the software. • Performed validation testing and with documentation • This documentation enabled the client to use the software where as previously proper docum...

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

First Energy

Science & Biotech - Physicist - Oak Harbor , OH

Duties included: ALARA Supervisor during the final 7 months of the Davis Besse 0350 restart (Regulatory required shutdown) • Assisted the Davis Besse nuclear plant restart as part of the Radiation Protection (RP) recovery team following loss of radiological material, personal contaminations and high dose. • Managed a staff of 4 personnel, 3 ALARA engineers and 1 ALARA scheduler including performance reviews and coaching. ...

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Exelon Nuclear

Science & Biotech - Physicist - Kennett Square, PA

Project Manager to develop emergency preparedness (EP) software, using Micro Soft (MS) Access, to calculate the offsite radiation dose (dose assessment) from an accidental airborne release of radioactive material during a nuclear accident. The software complies with 10 CFR 50.47(b) and provides information to emergency personnel on making protective action recommendations to state authorities during a nuclear accident. o ...

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Exelon Nuclear

Science & Biotech - Physicist - Delta, PA

• Site Project Manager for change management during a corporate merger, which created Exelon Nuclear from Commonwealth Edison (ComED) and Philadelphia Electric Co. (PECO) companies. The goal of the change management position was to lesson the impact on the site workforce to large-scale procedure change by creating processes, communicating and teaching processes to the site workforce. o Championed the formal development o...

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Exelon Nuclear

Science & Biotech - Physicist - Delta, PA

Duties included: Managed administrative and technical duties for a radiation instrument calibration shop with three instrument technicians at Peach Bottom. • Administrative duties included scheduling, delegating duties, setting priorities, and performance evaluation and coaching. • Technical duties include: Ensuring radiation instruments are available on an as needed basis for normal and outage use. • Evaluating the r...

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Philadelphia Electric Company

Science & Biotech - Physicist - Delta, PA

Duties included: Enforced ALARA principles by prior evaluation of work place radiological surveys and environmental conditions, identification of radiological and environmental hazards based on scope of work, creating ALARA work precautions and packages based on man-rem estimates, assigning work tasks to radiation work permits (RWPs). Reducing dose by source term reduction/removal, job planning and scheduling, mock-up trai...

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

GTS Duratek

Science & Biotech - Physicist - Columbia, MD

• Project Manager for Training Environmental Safety & Health for managing Health Physics exam preparation short courses (<40 hrs), responsible for lesson plan development, technical editing lesson material and course manual, classroom instruction and personal professional development. Provided health physics consultant on a contract basis. Provided support for client interface, writing proposals and course marketing. o Ed...

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Rock Flats Environmental Technology Site

Science & Biotech - Physicist - Broomfield, CO

Duties included: Audited and wrote Applied Health Physics procedures for compliance with 10 CFR 835 and the DOE Radiological Control Manual. Provided technical reviews and consultation on the Radiation Protection Program. Obtained EGGs procedure writer qualification.

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available