Physicist Career Research and Resources
GTS Duratek
Duties included: Managed responsibilities as a Health Physicist and Site Supervisor for 5 General Technical Services employees at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station. As a Health Physicist assisted in developing and executing an action plan for implementation of revised 10 CFR 20 on the Applied Health Physics Program and implementing procedures. Reviewed and wrote procedures for compliance with 10 CFR 20 using NRC Regulator...
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: Not Available
Applied Radiological Controls
Duties included: Reviewed, consolidated and wrote health physics procedures for compliance with revised NRC regulations (10 CFR 20), NRC Regulatory Guides, industry standards (INPO & ANSI) and sound health physics practices at Philadelphia Electric Companies' two nuclear sites, Peach Bottom and Limerick into a common corporate procedure.
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: Not Available
Bartlett Nuclear
Duties included: Managed and instructed step 1 students for certification as health physics technicians and radiation health technicians at Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station. Scheduled the training program from first class to the final qualification exam.Duties included: Instructed outage workers in groups of 10 to 15 in ALARA (time, distance, shielding) radiation exposure reductions techniques using mock-up training...
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: Not Available
Jersey Central Power & Light
Duties included: Supervised occupational radiological safety by initiating radiation, airborne and contamination surveys as necessary to analyze and evaluate radiological workplace hazards and communicate hazards to workers and personnel to include performing radiation work permit (RWP) surveys and writing RWPs. Evaluating potential for radiological hazards from radiation fields, surface contamination and airborne, taking ...
Avg. Salary: $0 · Company Rank: Not Available
Space Micro, Inc.
Conducted experimentation and performed clean slate designs; handled engineering, research and writing responsibilities. Developed processes and personally assembled flight hardware. Performed stress tests at multiple facilities nationwide. Interfaced directly with customers; conducted analysis and needs assessment. Worked on over 30 government funded research projects including SBIR’s and STTR’s touching many areas of phys...
Avg. Salary: $112,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
BioImaging Solutions, Inc.
Supported sales of microscopes, digital cameras, software and other optical/scientific equipment. Worked independently and with vendors to design and build various electronic, optical, and mechanical devices. Evaluated and gave extensive feedback on numerous prototypes and beta or alpha software for international companies. Offered clientfocused technical sales assistance and enhanced ROI. Created custom solutions by ...
Avg. Salary: $112,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
R.W. Johnson Pharmaceutical Research Institute
Core focus on various molecular sensing schemes, including developing both techniques in the literature and original concepts into streamlined tools and protocols. Designed and developed original tools to handle unique challenges associated with original work. Evaluated and developed schemes, hardware, and software to vastly increase sensitivity of molecular biological assays. Projects were completely independent and auto...
Avg. Salary: $112,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
U.C. Santa Barbara, Biological-Physics Laboratory:
Multiple project oversight of the crystallization of the protein Tubulin and studying the physical properties of the crystal forms. Studies with genetically modified Tubulin. Equipment assembly, maintenance, and purchase 100’s of hours logged on Atomic Force Microscopes, 100 hours logged on JEOL TEMs Independently designed protocols based on literature and in-depth analytical testing Designed equipment such as microscope t...
Avg. Salary: $112,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
U.C. Santa Barbara, Experimental Cosmology Laboratory:
Internship which developed into a full-time position ● Developed a zero-g Helium dilution refrigerator capable of sustaining milli-Kelvin temperatures. ● Over 1000 hours of machine shop experience ● Created and updated designs for thermal, mechanical, electrical, gas handling systems ● Testing including microwave transmission, flow testing, helium leak testing, electrical characteristics ● Photolithography and other clean r...
Avg. Salary: $112,500 · Company Rank: Not Available
Sandia National Laboratories Hydrogen Combustion Group:
U.S. Department of Energy security clearance; responsible for assisting in the design of various equipment for testing prototype and highly modified internal combustion engines. Organized laboratory space and critically evaluated technical publications ● Made CAD drawings for outsourced construction ● Heavy duty installations including test stands in explosive test facilities ● Emissions testing on Hydrogen converted Detro...
Avg. Salary: $112,500 · Company Rank: Not Available