Military & Government Career Research

Barnes & Noble

Military & Government - State Government - Evanston, IL

Public Relations; Cashier; Assigned Tasks as Needed

Avg. Salary: $15,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

State of Illinois - Office of the State Treasurer

Military & Government - State Government - Chicago, IL

Authored Treasurer briefs for the Treasurer’s speaking engagements and invited appearances. Traveled with the Treasurer and handled all travel-related/event support as needed. Provided advance support at events to ensure Treasurer’s appearance was successful in all regards. Assisted in contacting constituents post-event through written or verbal communications. Researched issues and event purposes and informed Treasurer so ...

Avg. Salary: $15,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Chicago Title

Military & Government - State Government - Chicago, IL

Wrote, revised, and distributed in-house employee newsletters. Created press releases and sent them out to appropriate news sources. Wrote executive memoranda. • Designed employee newsletter. • Worked well with both staff and public entities. • Served as liaison for inter-departmental communications and recognized for valuing confidentiality.

Avg. Salary: $15,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Kansas Corporation Commission

Military & Government - State Government - Topeka, KS

Managed investigators researching complaints against regulated gas and electric companies statewide; Public Relations; Constituent Services; Public Speaker

Avg. Salary: $15,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Kansas Department of Revenue

Military & Government - State Government - Topeka, KS

Gubernatorial Appointee; Chief Spokesman of Cabinet-level State Government office; Handled all media, television and print for the department; Wrote Press Releases; Public Relations; Lobbying state legislature on behalf of the Department; Travel aide to the Governor and Secretary of Revenue; In-house newsletter author, designer and distributor

Avg. Salary: $15,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Department of the Interior - Human Capital Program

Military & Government - Federal Government - Washington , DC

 Program Management for Human Capital Systems - Managed project managers of multiple projects (HSPD-12, eQIP, eTraining, eOPF, and FHCS) to include budget, contract management, security and risk management, records management and executive sponsorship. Briefed oversight agencies (OMB, OPM, NIST, GAO)  Strategic Human Capital Planning - Worked with Chief Human Capital Officer to develop the Department of the Interior Str...

Avg. Salary: $150,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Department of the Interior - Chief Information Office

Military & Government - Federal Government - Washington , DC

 Provided policy direction, leadership, and oversight of IT and information resources management within Interior and its eight bureaus. Oversaw the formulation, management, and maintenance of Interior's $650+ million IT portfolio.  Led Interior bureaus to improve IT security policy and procedure implementation. Achieved 100% Certification and Accreditation for all IT systems.  Transformed Capital Planning and Investme...

Avg. Salary: $150,000   ·    Company Rank: 5.0 out of 5

Department of the Interior - Chief Information Office

Military & Government - Federal Government - Washington , DC

- Provided management direction and leadership for Departmental Records Management, Privacy, Web Management, Freedom of Information (FOIA), FOIA Appeals, and Section 508 (Accessibility Act) Programs. - Developed Web Transformation Strategy to include hardware and content management, outlining plan for orderly server consolidation, from 2600 web servers over 8 Bureaus across the country to small web farm. - Directed DOI...

Avg. Salary: $150,000   ·    Company Rank: 5.0 out of 5

Internal Revenue Service

Military & Government - Federal Government - Washington , DC

- Developed Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Year 2000 (Y2K) conversion program initial project plan to include capacity planning, risk management, configuration management, communications and awareness program, and guidelines for technical implementation. - Prepared testimony for the first Year 2000 congressional hearing in April 1996, attending as expert witness with Treasury Assistant Secretary George Munoz. - Repre...

Avg. Salary: $150,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Department of Defense

Military & Government - Federal Government - Heidelberg, Outside United States

- Supervised work of 45 programmer analysts, civilian and military, in production software development and maintenance shop on an IBM mainframe, using MVS ADR and VM VSAM technologies. Operational software included Personnel Systems supporting all military personnel throughout the European Theater (assignments, promotions, family moves). - Performed all personnel, budget formulation, strategic planning for Systems Divisi...

Avg. Salary: $150,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available