SUMMARY: * Maintained high-tech mechanical equipment and hydraulic production machinery on the manufacturing floor. * Participated on estimating team, with responsibility for determining tools and machine efficiency. * Worked with a variety of machines, including planer mills, small mills, horizontal boring mills, grinders (external, internal, and surface) and V.T.L lathes, and Some N.C. and CNC machining centers. * Trained...
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CNC, Grinder, Lathes, Fab, Failure Analysis, Manufacturing, Reliability, Tooling
Summary I would like the opportunity to demonstrate and expand my crane operating career. I feel i have not made the appropriate career dicsissions to the best of my abilities, thus get over looked for many job opportunities
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Crane Operator, Bridges, equipment operator, Foundation, Driller, crane, Drill operator, Crane operator, heavy equipment operator, construction trades, Crane operator, heavy equipment operator, nccco, certified crane pperator
than 60%. The program has been implemented company-wide in urban markets and remains exceptional track in place after 8 years. record in leading retail Promoted by SVP to turnaround underperforming region in GA. Within 1 year shrink was operations for over 20 reduced by 42%, manager turnover reduced by 40% and market gained a 7% net income improvement. Region ranked in top 5 in all key metrics out of 34 regions by year end....
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Leadership, Retail, Clubs, Dollar Stores, Human Resources, Lawson, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word
SUMMARY I am problem solver and a hard worker, at whatever job I'm assigned. I quickly see multiple ways to accomplish goals, but am not locked in to my own solutions, if others have better ideas. I work well with others, freely sharing knowledge and training that I have gained. I am a team player, helping find solutions without creating problems. I am willing to do anything I'm able to do, and feel that when an employer hi...
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Evaluate, Management, Microsoft Excel, Problem Solving, Software, Team Player, Control Systems, Budgeting, Database, Hardware/Systems
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CAT, Services, Claims Adjuster, Insurance, Linc