Career Research and Resources for Companies in NJ

Cendant Corporation

Human Resources - Corporate Recruiter - Parsippany, NJ

(Role eliminated as co. being dissolved)

A global provider of travel and residential real estate services with approximately 80,000 employees in over 100 countries with annual revenues exceeding $19 billion.

Human Resources - Manager, Strategic Staffing (June ‘02 – May ‘05)

Manager of shared service role that served as the center of excellence for Workforce diversity practice

§ Leveraged the resources of all...

Avg. Salary: $85,000   ·    Company Rank: 1.0 out of 5


Information Technology - Project Manager - Little Falls , NJ

Manage the Software Development and Quality Assurance Teams.

Avg. Salary: $145,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Information Technology - Business Analyst - Warren, NJ

Implementing security measures. Monitoring Data Privacy Entitlements, Securing Passwords, and Encryption, Vulnerability Assessments, Vendor Management, Security Incidents, Security Awareness Training

Avg. Salary: $122,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Independent Consultant

Information Technology - Business Analyst - Manalapan, NJ

Business Analysis, Project Management, Quality Assurance, Total Cost of Ownership Analysis, Feasibility Studies

Avg. Salary: $122,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Information Technology - Business Analyst - Parsippany, NJ

Business Analysis, Project Management, RFIs, RFPs, Mentoring junior personnel, buy vs. build analysis

Avg. Salary: $122,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Deltech Resin Company

Management & Business - General Manager - Newark, NJ

Brought on board to turn the construction coatings resin division around and make it profitable. Directly manage operations, sales, finance, purchasing and logistics, marketing and manufacturing for all plant locations (52 people). Increased sales from $10 million to $16 million. · Piloted the turnaround from a huge loss (24 percent on sales) to break even in 18 months. Focused on operational efficiency, aggressive growth,...

Avg. Salary: $110,000   ·    Company Rank: 2.0 out of 5

Safas Corporation

Management & Business - General Manager - Clifton, NJ

Charged with launching a new division to manufacture proprietary construction products for existing customers. Managed sales, finance, operations, supply chain, distribution and EHS activities for all divisions of the company ($13 million). · Configured, installed and initiated operations at a new manufacturing site in Pennsylvania. General Manager 2001 – 2006 Hired to quickly grow the market share ...

Avg. Salary: $110,000   ·    Company Rank: 3.0 out of 5

Iron Age Corporation

Sales & Sales Management - Sales Representative - Piscataway, NJ

Recruited, hired and trained sales and customer service staff. Managed 2 stores and 4 mobile sales units. Scheduled service to all customers in North Jersey.

Avg. Salary: $65,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Grand Genereal Stores dba Jacob's Department Store

Sales & Sales Management - Sales Representative - Paterson, NJ

Hired and trained all stock, security, and custodial staff. Supervised 125,000 sq. ft. sales floor. Performed all visual merchandising functions. Developed floor plans and promotional displays.

Avg. Salary: $65,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Fisons Pharmaceuticals

Sales & Sales Management - Sales Manager - N/A, NJ

Promoted products to doctors office and worked with Kaiser to get formulary status. Won Top Producer Awards in District.

Avg. Salary: $160,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available