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Heavy Truck Driver Career Research

Hoist & Winch Operator Career Research

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Motor Vehicle Operator Career Research

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Railroad Inspector Career Research

Railroad Yard Worker Career Research

Refuse Material Collector Career Research

School Bus Driver Career Research

Ship Captain Career Research

Shuttle Car Operator Career Research

Streetcar Operator Career Research

Subway Operator Career Research

Supply Chain Manager Career Research

Tank car, Truck, or Ship Loader Career Research

Taxi Driver Career Research

Tractor-trailer Truck Driver Career Research

Train Crew Member Career Research

Transit Bus Driver Career Research

Yardmaster Career Research

Transportation & Logistics Career Research


Transportation & Logistics - Crane Operator -

Avg. Salary: $37,500   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Precision Design Inc.

Transportation & Logistics - Aviation Inspector - Weatherford, OK

Brought on in a multifaceted role, overseeing the general maintenance, repair, inspection, and operation of aircraft. Evaluating, troubleshooting, and diagnosing electrical, mechanical, and structural issues while coordinating repairs and modifications in compliance with set deadlines and industry safety standards. • General: Performing as an A&P IA and ensuring the utmost functionality and airworthiness of aircraft throug...

Avg. Salary: $65,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Northrop Grumman

Transportation & Logistics - Supply Chain Manager - FPO, AE, Out of State

• Prepare USAF Global Hawk logistics documents for purchasing of common and peculiar UAS supply support for all emergency and non-emergency items. • Obligate and budget OM&N funds for common supply support. • Receive, inspect for conformance, store, and issue, replenish, inventory and account for all government property. • Develop and maintain DoD Standard Base Supply System (SBSS) and DoD Integrated Maintenance Data System...

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Transportation & Logistics - Supply Chain Manager - San Antonio, TX

• Develop and Manage metric orientated Logistics processes and weekly reports. • Ability to measure, analyze, improve and control the process after the initial implementation. • Root cause analysis and the ability to select appropriate metrics for a particular process. • Handling day-to-day matters pertaining to logistics in the telecommunication industry. • Working on large projects greater than 650 sites for San Antonio a...

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

MeriTec Services, Inc.

Transportation & Logistics - Supply Chain Manager - San Antonio, TX

• Designed and created an Access database with Hyperlinks for tracking the software configuration and diagrams of the computer systems utilized at Air Force Bases worldwide. • Responsible for development of processes for ensuring accurate information is captured and implementing controls for effective change management. • Collaborated with engineers in designing the import/export of information into other software programs/...

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Intercom Consulting and Federal Systems

Transportation & Logistics - Supply Chain Manager - Springfield, VA

• Created and administered an Access Database related to Visio diagrams, used for tracking computer components and inventory/assets, used in U.S. Embassy operations worldwide. • Organized multiple warehouses in the DC area, containing undocumented, federally owned, highly sensitive computer equipment. • Created a user-friendly system for the fulfillment of purchase orders for all U.S. Embassies Worldwide. • Established w...

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

McNeil Technologies

Transportation & Logistics - Supply Chain Manager - Baghdad, Iraq, Out of State

• Manage and QC the processing of seized classified documents from the Iraqi National Congress. • Directed the logistics, delivery and transportation of over 4 million classified documents through coordinated efforts with special operations Mobile Collection Teams (MCT) and the Iraq Survey Group. • Supervised the transportation of these documents to U.S. government intelligence agencies such as the White House, Pentagon, DI...

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

OBBCO Ranch Corporation

Transportation & Logistics - Supply Chain Manager - St Croix, USVI, Out of State

• Managed a multi-unit rental property and a large parcel of vacant beachfront property to include junior personnel and 15+ transient labor in St. Croix, USVI. • Organized, forecasted budget requirements, purchased supplies/materials and contracts for equipment for the remodeling of cottages and land which ensured the property was ready for sale. • Repairs included installation/wiring for cable TV, satellite TV and telephon...

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Transportation & Logistics - Supply Chain Manager - Colorado Springs, CO

• Calculated the Weight and Balance of the C-130 B, E & H3 model aircraft and its cargo. • Maintained required government documentation from classified materials to foreign and domestic customs requirements. • Qualified in emergency procedures pertaining to the aircraft, airdrops, passengers and crew. • Performed Aero-Medical Evacuations and Troop Deployments worldwide. • Certified Airdrop Inspector - making sure the e...

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

USAF, Nellis AFB

Transportation & Logistics - Supply Chain Manager - Las Vegas, NV

• Crew Chief of a Weapons Load Crew, responsible for the mechanical, electrical systems maintenance and troubleshooting of the fighter aircraft including the A-7, A-10, F-4 and F-15. • Member of an Aircraft Operational Test and Evaluation Unit. • Responsible for testing, evaluating, documenting and training, of all new or improved equipment that was provided by defense contractors for the aircraft. No new equipment went on...

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available