General Manager Career Research and Resources

Jaybird Middle Georgia Enterprises, LLC

Management & Business - General Manager - Macon, GA

I manage this company which engages in Internet Sales, marketing, and consulting. I oversee the day to day sales, marketing, shipping and purchases of women fashions and foundations.

Avg. Salary: $45,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Thunderbird Enterprises, Inc

Management & Business - General Manager - Macon, GA

I oversee the daily operation of this large retail operation. I assist in all aspects of payroll, chech cashing, purchasing and staffing this operation

Avg. Salary: $45,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Management & Business - General Manager - Fort Irwin, CA

Manager of the MILES (Multiple Integrated Engagement System) warehouse. Responsible for 10 employees and a budget in excess of $40 million. Responsible for the 100% accountability of all equipment. Facilitated all NTC rotations with issuance and return of all equipment used by our customer. Responsible for all work schedules for Raytheon and all sub contractors affiliated with Miles instrumentation. Planned and executed NTC...

Avg. Salary: $15,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Management & Business - General Manager - Camp Arifjan Kuwait, Outside United States

- As Range Safety Tech II, I am responsible for the safe use of 24 direct fire ranges that are used by both U.S. and Coalition forces at the Udairi Range Complex, Camp Arifjan, and the Kuwaiti Naval Base before deploying to combat. Responsible for briefing all personnel; on the safe conduct of all ranges. Responsible for the design of ranges to meet current real world situations. Assist in all ground and air medevacs

Avg. Salary: $15,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Management & Business - General Manager - Fort Irwin, CA

As Deputy Manager I was responsible for 70 employees, all payrolls, work plans, and all Safety requirements. Accountability of over $50 million worth of government equipment. Six Sigma Specialist. Plan and Execute all temporary duty training conducted in support of our customer (U.S. Military) throughout the United States. Responsible for the Installation and Deinstallation of all Miles used by the military at the National...

Avg. Salary: $15,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Management & Business - General Manager - Camp Arifjan Kuwait, Outside United States

- As Range Safety Tech I, I am responsible for the safe use of 24 direct fire ranges that are used by both U.S. and Coalition forces at the Udairi Range Complex, Camp Arifjan, and the Kuwaiti Naval Base before deploying to combat. Responsible for briefing all personnel; on the safe conduct of all ranges. Responsible for the design of ranges to meet current real world situations. Assist in all ground and air medevacs.

Avg. Salary: $15,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

MGM/Mirage Corp

Management & Business - General Manager - Las Vegas, NV

Security Officer for one of Las Vegas, NV premier Hotel Casinos. Responsible for all Casino security operations. Selected as shift dispatcher responsible for communications for a 60 officer shift. Selected as a Report Writer resulting in no revenue loss for the hotel.

Avg. Salary: $15,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

U.S. Army

Management & Business - General Manager - Fort Knox, KY

Various leadership roles during a twenty year career. DD-214 UPON REQUEST.

Avg. Salary: $15,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available


Management & Business - General Manager - Page, AZ

Assortment planning and purchasing, overall direction and leadership of 19 retail locations in Utah and Arizona.

Avg. Salary: $90,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

PRIME Technologies

Management & Business - General Manager - Barrington, IL

Business and Non-Profit consulting in market strategy, product development and renewable energies. Projects including Handicapped Assist Devices, Green Roofs with Solar & Wind, Propane Markets & Equipment.

Avg. Salary: $160,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available