Occupation:Sales Representative |
Location:Richmond, VA |
Education Level:Bachelor |
Will Relocate:YES |
Summary Experienced and seasoned Enterprise Account Executive w ith 21 years of success selling to to C-Level executives. Provid ing a consultative solution based sales approach I specifically focus on d eveloping strong relationships w ith clients to establish, m aintain and grow their business. Exp erien ce 04/2013 - Cu rrent Com cast Richm ond VA En terp rise Accou n t Execu tive Provid e layer tw o ethernet services to enterprise accounts throu ghout Virginia and the Mid Atlantic . Work w ith organizations requiring high band w id th solutions for internet meshed netw ork and d ata center connectivity. Targeted legal, financial and hospitality m arkets provid ing strategic netw ork solu tions to im prove the custom ers business processes and im prove d ay to d ay prod uctivity. 08/2011 - 04/2013 Win d stream Richm ond VA Sen ior Accou n t Execu tive Migrated to Wind stream d ue to acquisition. Specifically focused on Au tom otive and Financial verticals. Successfully w orked w ith several regional banks and cred it unions incrementally grow ing their spend . Maintained one of the largest car d ealerships in the US selling voice services to 85 of their locations w ith a m onthly spend exceed ing $40,000 per m onth. 08/2008 - 08/2011 PAETEC Richm ond VA Sen ior Accou n t Execu tive Transitioned to Paetec throu gh acquisition. Sold voice and m anaged d ata services as w ell as d ata center applications. Successfully leveraged PAETEC's national footprint to establish and grow several key accounts m onthly spend by 50% or more. Sold and maintained 9 of the top 20 accounts for the Richm ond branch. 03/1999 - 08/2008 US LEC Richm ond VA Sen ior Accou n t Execu tive Provid ed voice and d ata solutions w hich includ ed local and long d istance voice, Internet, fram e relay / MPLS to m ed ium to large organizations. Focused heavily on med ical, financial and hospitality verticals. Achieved or exceed ed quota. Won quarterly circle of excellence 6 times, achieved Sales Superstar tw ice and attend ed

