I am a planning Specialist who has over 20 years' experience in water resources planning, community planning and development, grant writing and administration, economic development, physical geography, air photo interpretation, LANSAT mapping interpretation, fluvial geomorphology, waste management, toxic and hazardous material removal or neutralization, underground storage tank removal, lead based paint and asbestos abatement, recycling, single and multi family rehabilitation projects and stormwater design systems. I am very knowledgeable concerning environmental Regulations and their effect on urban/regional planning and water resource projects. For such projects, I have prepared, or contributed to, numerous Regional Planning Studies, Environmental Impact Statements, Environmental Assessments, Reconnaissance Reports, Feasibility Studies and other planning reports. I also have experience in the design, building, and sale of log home structures, as an Engineering Technician, Draftsman, and as a young adult I had experience in the manufacturing industry, at Motorola, Sun Electric, And Continental Pipe, performing various assembly line functions. My objective is to return to the workforce and advance by rendering exemplary work efforts, performance, and honor. .Present: Phillips Auto Detailing Manager Manage detail operations, provide customer satisfaction, and delivery on time.


Job Skills
