“By the work, one knows the workman.” (Jean de la Fontaine) When you seek an employee to represent your company, you hope you can find someone who will represent the company honestly and fairly. If you are looking for a sales person, then you are looking for one who knows how to CLOSE a sale! You undoubtedly look for someone with fresh ideas; a great relationship builder; a team player and someone who understands business etiquette and professionalism. Proven accomplishments over time have moved me into a category that most sales people never achieve. With my ability to produce exceptional results, combined with advanced communication skills, I am able to interact well with all types of personalities. Past experiences include selling Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Commercial Real Estate, Software as a Service (SAS) and many other products. In my career I have sold to nearly every type of Medical clinic and institution; various branches of the Federal Government; the entire “C-Suite” of corporate professionals; as well as countless individuals in all walks of life. I have experience with both sales and management and I am comfortable making presentations to various sizes of groups. In the most recent years I have done some contract work for small, local companies, as a supplement to my own Commercial Real Estate business. My work history has collectively provided me experience in strategic re-organization, cost reduction programs and understanding how to improve efficiencies and cash flow through processes and technology. Additional strong suits for me are that my creative side makes me well-suited for problem solving,creating and implementing new ideas. Integrity is important to me and I try to exemplify this character trait in all my actions. I am intelligent and have a driving desire to be a success for myself and the company I represent. At this point, I am confident I can help nearly any organization achieve their desired goals and being free to travel, I would be honored to work with a company that rewards hard work and success. I look forward to meeting with you soon; I am the person you are looking for! Sincerely, Jeanne A. Hampton 13400 Silver Eagle Trail Edmond, Oklahoma 73013 405.314.2732

