To whom it may concern: I found your company on the Career Builder Website. I am very interested in pursuing the available sales consulting position in New Jersey. My background lends itself very well to many qualification for this opportunity as you are looking for as a self-motivated, experienced and successful individual for business development. I have sold products requiring customized solutions to suit various customer needs (both residential and commercial) ranging from full service long term service agreements, financial products and alternative energy. I work well independently, while still being an effective communicator either in an office or home office environment. New industries and products such as solar energy for example intrigues me as the alternative energy industry whose time has arrived, in comparison to the (CNG/LNG) natural gas business that I am currently involved in. I look forward to discussing this opportunity in more depth and explore with you how I can be a major contributor to your organization and our mutual success. Attached, please find my resume for your review. Sincerely, Wayne C. Schneider
