EXCERPTS OF MY CAREER OBJECTIVE AND INFORMATION FOR PROSPECTIVE COMPANY IN USA TO APPRAISE: 1. To make use of my talent and help company grow. 2. Had been a Sales Professional in the Philippines for 17 years with vast experiences in contract negotiation. 3. Had been in USA 3 times already as a Green card Holder. Back to the Philippines last Aug. 17/13 and will be back to US if better opportunity comes my way. My other goal as of now is to SELL my property before going back to US and be with the family in which the sale had been consummated only last August 15, 2015 for your info. Now, my problem is how to get visa because I had overstayed here in the Philippines for about one year and a half which is against the regulations being a green card holder since December 2012 in San Diego to pursue my career and, of course, earn for a living to be with my family forever. Doing FEASIBILITY STUDY and budgeting is my expertise.