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RssHuman Resources, 6 + years experience, Consultating

My goal is to align myself with an organization that assist in employee relations and human resources, while maintaining the highest levels of customer service. The success I have achieved in human resources, client management and the financial industry are due to my strengths in communication, people skills, performing effectively under pressure, troubleshooting, negotiations, defusing anger, problem-solving strategies and multitasking abilities. I have provided training to management on a variety of human resources practices, including cultural diversity, employee harassment, interviewing prospective employees,preparing proper documentation of disciplinary action and terminations. I have advised organizations on effective employee management, developed training programs for new hires, conflict resolutions, conducted and analyzed exit interview, worked with management teams to build strong leadership skills and to improve employee relationships. I promote diversity and inclusion, along with sensitivity techniques. I emphasize the importance of creating an environment that is welcoming, accommodating, respectful and challenging. When professionals create this atmosphere it motivated employees with less expense to organizations. The smallest details are in many ways the most important.

Benefits Manager

Vancouver, WA

About Me


Human Resources


Benefits Manager

Education level:


Will Relocate:



Vancouver, WA
