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RssOutside Sales, Territory Sales, Manager, Syracuse

Assist customers to achieve their goals. I am a team Player and firmly believe in a win-win-win sales philosophy. Please review my Personal Mission Statement MISSION STATEMENT I will endeavor to satisfy every customer’s needs and wants in concert with the direction set forth by management; to strive to “Go as far as you can with as much as you’ve got” in every situation. Priority 1: Surpass Quota Priority 2: Increase Customer Retention Priority 3: Develop New Customer Base My strongest attributes are Enthusiasm, Persistence and Creativity. I will marshal these resources in the service of your company and your customers. My business philosophy has always been that “you can get more done by working together than you can be working individually”. Teamwork is the cornerstone of success and I am, and will always be a Team-Player, a Team Contributor. Value-Added is more than a Sales Strategy, it is simply doing the right thing, a genuine win-win-win transaction. I will endeavor to pursue this orientation in all my transactions. RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS ARE KNOWN TO: REDUCE BLOOD PRESSURE HELP YOU BECOME A HAPPIER PERSON CAN CHANGE THE WORLD

Advertising Sales Agent

Syracuse, NY

About Me


Sales & Sales Management


Advertising Sales Agent

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Will Relocate:



Syracuse, NY