To guide sales people on how to get better closes, more of them, and sell higher quality products for more profit. Ideally, I would help new sales people and veterans get to be more effective with what they are doing getting closes, and making them stick. I will need to help them see what they are missing, and make them sharper.

Work Experience

Dale Carnegie Sales Course | Sales | 1991 | Certification Degree |
National Executive Institute Level 2 | Sales for BSA Programs | 1986 | Certification Degree |
National Executive Institute Level1 | Sales for BSA Programs | 1984 | Certification Degree |
Northeastern University | Mechanical Engineering | 1978 | Bachelor Degree |
Niskayuna High School | College Prep | 1973 | High School/GED Degree |

Social Media
Book | Reader's Digest's Fix it Yourself Manual | media url | When I need to see if I can fix something without hiring somebody, this is where I look first. This can be both work and non work related |
Magazine | King Size | media url | King Size is a catalog service selling to big and tall men. since I am 6' 8" tall, I need to see what they are carrying. |

1972: Eagle Scout at 15 years old. Also received the Bronze, Gold and Silver Palms. 1972: Awarded Certificate for playing on the Junior Varsity Basketball team at Niskayuna high School 1973: Awarded Certificate for playing on the Varsity Basketball team at Niskayuna high School 1973-78: Worked five co-op jobs all for GE under the supervision of Northeastern University. By the time I had graduated, I had 30 months engineering related experience, and three solid job offers. 1978: BS in Mechanical Engineering from Northeastern University in Boston, Mass 1979: Wrote a technical paper for the General Electric Company after doing an in depth study on why the supporting brackets were failing in transition gas cans inside of combustion chambers of gas turbines. The testing results in this paper proved that GE was receiving plug-welded supports from their vendors that could not hold up in the field, and were failing. This was worth a great deal to GE, and I was promoted to a job with responsibility three levels above where I had been. 1982: Honorably Discharged from the United states Air Force as an Airman First Class 1984: Graduated the National Executive Institute in Sales Training for the Professional Branch of the Boy Scouts of America 1984: Received the first "A" Rating for Camp Saratoga Boy Scout Camp that it ever had since it was started back during the 1930's. Much of this was a great sales closing rate for getting boys and dads to camp for great new programs. 1984: Received a review that I had exceeded all of the sales goals for the year for my sales district. 1985: Second year of earning a national level "A" Camp rating for Camp Saratoga. We now had over 500 boys camping there over a three week period. Just two years before in 1983 there were only about 120 boys for the three week season totally. 1985: Recognized for Significantly exceeding all sales goals for my district in all scouting programs, and in Scout Camp Operations. 1986: National Level Sales Training Level Two at the National Executive Institute for the Boy Scouts of America. 1986: Given National Recognition by the Northeast Region of the Boy Scouts of America for achieving balanced growth in all scouting programs. This meant that I had increased sales in every program that was available throught the Boy Scouts of America in my district. 1991: Outstanding Performance Award from the Dale Carnegie Sales Course as a new graduate. This was a chrome plated letter opener with the Dale carnegie logo on it. 1992: "Top 25 Small Distributors in the United States" written in Industrial Distribution Magazine in January. I was part of a sales team of three men who made that happen. We were rated as number 17 in the entire United States. 1992: By doing some fund raising and recruiting, I was able to get some parents and business owners to work with me to sponsor a program for the local high school students. We hired Sammy Hall (formally of the Beach Boys) to come and do a concert for us with his band, traveling all the way up from Tennessee to do it. Sammy's show talked all about the dangers of illegal drugs, and even about several drug related deaths Sammy had seen among his friends. He was quite graphic about all of it. When he and his band had finished their show, the kids were quite moved. By the time he was leaving after the show, a number of the kids had met with him and his band on their parked touring bus. It turned out that 40 of the kids gave Sammy their drugs, and promised to do their very best to stop taking those drugs, and get whatever counseling would be needed. Since then there has been a Drug Awareness week at Shaker each year, and it never fails to help some kids find a way back to being in control again. 1995: Wrote a short book entitled "Better Job More Money Fast Results". Published 300 copies of it to distribute to members of my church who were out of work. I remember a number of people using it to help them, so I felt I had contributed something. Some people are still using those ideas today, as I gave a copy of it to a friend here in Arizona, and he had success with it. 1996: Million Dollar Sales Club for Thruway Fasteners of Albany, NY 1997: Million Dollar Sales Club for Thruway fasteners of Albany NY 1998: Silver Team Leader, New Vision Internationl in March 1998: Gold Team Leader, New Vision International in May 1998: Diamond Team Leader, New Vision International in June 1998: Million Dollar Sales Club for Thruway Fasteners of Albany, NY 1999: Ruby Executive, Formor International in July 1999: Emerald Executive, Formor International in October. Grew a new market sector for Formor, by signing up retail outlets for a network marketing business. 1999: Million Dollar sales Club for Thruway Fasteners of Albany, NY 2000: Million Dollar Sales Club for Thruway Fasteners of Albany NY. Since 1994 I had grown the sales territory I was given from twenty five accounts that did a gross business of about $15,000 per month to a number of accounts doing a gross collective amount of around $250,000 per month with a margin of at least 40%. 2000-2003: Opened a new sales Territory for Eckart & Finard Fasteners of Connecticut, which happened to be in the Albany NY area. Thruway gave my territory to a corporate family member, so I had to go to another employer. The first year I did over $200,000 in Sales, and in most cases E&F doubled their money on the sales I made for them. By 2003, Thruway Fasteners had lost most of their better accounts in that territory. but there was not enough to stay with E&F. Upstate businesses had been moving out of new york State for too long. 2003: Became Series 7 and 66 Licenses to become a Financial Services Associate with Prudential Insurance. Hit the second top tier in performance during my first production quarter. 2004: Began In Home sales for Sears Home central. First salesman to qualify for a bonus from the Albany office. My net sales were $855,000 in the first nine months. After that the season was over. and winter was upon us.If I had started earlier in the year, I might have hit the Million mark. 2005: First salesman to work for Huff & Puff Insulators an have net sales of over $100,000 in any one month. 2005: Second largest sales producer for 2005 2006: Largest number of self generated closed deals in Ten different months 2006: Largest sales producer corporate wide for 2006. Just missed being the first person to hit the Million Dollar mark in one year. Nobody has made it there yet. 2007: Found an investment firm that showed my wife and i how to invest what we had in a way that we could retire early, and possibly by early 2008. We decided to follow the plan, and found that we could retire , and move to our dream place in Arizona. 2009: We moved to Arizona, and love it here!! 2010: March: We have been informed that we are victims of investment fraud, so I need to find work now. My goal is to hold on to my home, but I will relocate in the Phoenix area.Companies I like:
GE, Home Depot, Lowe's, Construction Sales Companies, Industrial Manufacturers

Job Skills


Putting the company in a higher profit margin by making salespeople more effective. Reducing turnover of salespeople, as they will want to work with me to get to their optimum level of closing rates. Keeping myself sharp and ready to help the sales force as they meet with customers, helping them answer tough questions, and reinforcing their credibility.