Helps an organization design and effectively implement a strategic plan for attracting and keeping the talent needed to excel.
Work Experience
(Confidential) | (Confidential) | 2/2001 - Present |
Nova University | Psychology | 1988 | Master Degree |
Loyola University | Journalism | 1976 | Bachelor Degree |
• In a three-year period, shifted the focus of recruiting for 50,000 to 80,000 hires per year to the Internet, cutting newspaper advertising by 75% without compromising the quantity or quality of hires. • Led project team that automated the employment process for 7,000 clerical, technical and professional positions, reaping $300,000 in hard-cost savings over 5 years as well as greatly improved customer service for both applicants and hiring managers. • Headed transition process for 454 displaced associates. Nearly 65 percent found employment within one month after separation. • In one year, personally led searches that resulted in the hiring of one executive, two senior managers, 12 supervisors and 38 professionals. • Pioneered use of 360 Feedback, DISC, and Balanced Scorecard in 400-person operation. Designed performance assessment system for this group. • With virtually no budget, created the largest training program of its kind in the nation. Included was a three-step evaluation process to measure how the training produced results on the job. Hired as a consultant by other companies based on those achievements. • Designed and facilitated diversity training for 1,000 executives, managers and staff. Also coordinated three-year team-building program for 55 managers and their teams. • Directed the reorganization of a company’s two weakest news departments. One doubled its revenue while also trimming staff by 15%. The other, a 38-person photo operation, doubled its productivity, boosted reprint sales by 25%, won several national awards and experienced a dramatic improvement in morale, according to company attitude surveys. • Led a fledgling online service to the Web, creating and executing a strategic plan that produced profit one year ahead of schedule, increased traffic from 250,000 page views a month to 5.5 million, and led to WINDOWS magazine naming Tampa Bay Online the best news site on the Web. • Chaired a company Communications Task Force after attitude surveys revealed poor communication as a major problem. Thirty of the group’s 46 recommendations were approved and implemented by the board of directors. • Selected the best editorial writer in the Southeast by the Society of Professional Journalists. Won numerous writing awards as a reporter, including being named the best education writer in the nation by school administrators.Companies I like:
Franklin Templeton
Job Skills
1. Building a recruiting team from scratch for a company with 135,0000 associates.
2. Creating an effective employment brand and customizing its use across diverse media to match the media habits and employment preferences of each targeted audience.