#1 Project Assistant at Kerala start Up Mission ( Technopark, Trivandrum) (From Dec 2017 to Till Now) Roles and Responsibilities: * Working in Admin Department in Kerala Startup Mission Head Office July 2018 onwards * Enabling the various payments from Treasury through Kerala Govt's WAMS Payment system. * Supporting the Secretary and Registrar for preparation of documents for the Executive Committee meetings. This is a time bound work and I have done the work within the time limit by attending the office extra time * Supporting the team for various events and sessions * Managed Startup Dreams a startup incubator by Kerala Startup Mission in association with SCDD Department Govt of Kerala from Dec. 17 to July. 2018 * Supported startups in Startup Dreams for incubation, financial assistant (Seed fund, Idea grant, Productisation grant, scale up grant etc) and for startup kit. * Helping the new aspirants for incubation application, Fund support etc * Conducted the expert committee meeting time to time. * Coordinated the sessions for Startups in startup dreams * Coordinated with District Industries Centre (DIC) for space, fund scheme, District industries meet etc * Social media promotion of various activities in Startup Dreams * Generation and follow up for licence fee bill of Startups in Startup dreams. * Handling various purchases for the Startup Dreams * Follow up of the various payments * Reporting Monthly Progress Report to SCDD department. * Tracking the Business Progress Report of Startups in startup dreams * Conducting Expert committee meeting of startups in startup dreams * Conducted Digital marketing awareness program In startup Dreams on 27th March 2018 * Coordinated the KSUM activities in Kerala Government 2nd anniversary celebration in TSR 20th May 2018 #2 Faculty Cum System Admin In Jawahar Navodaya Vidhyalaya Carnicobar, Andaman & Nicobar (From June 2016 to April- 2017 Roles and Responsibilities: * Placing order for computer equipment's as required * Verifying the delivered IT Goods in Organization * Tracking of IT assets within the Organization * Working on System as per organizational requirement * Maintenance of computer in Organization * Ensuring the overall safety and security of students. * Ensuring the study of students & discipline of students.

College Of Applied Science | Computer Science | 2012 | Master Degree |
St. Thomas College | Calicut Computer Science | 2010 | Bachelor Degree |
Govt Higher Secondary School Kizhakkancherry | Calicut | 2007 | Bachelor Degree |


Job Skills
