AREAS OF EXPERTISE * Human Resources Management * Recruitment * Safety Manager Team Leadership * Event Coordinator * Facilitation * Investigations Strategic/Tactical Planning * Development and Implement Policies/Procedures * Counseling Administrative Management * Training & Briefing Budget Planning/Management * Operations Management Alcohol and Drug Control/Tester Equal Opportunity Management * Military Mailroom Operations Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) EXECUTIVE PROFILE PROFESSIONAL ATTRIBUTES: * 20 years of human resource management experience, including operations, recruitment, and personnel management * Exceptional leadership, teambuilding, training, and mentoring skills * Engaging presentation style and ability to communicate effectively with individuals at all organizational levels * Decisiveness and ability to make critical judgments under time constraints * Innovative approach to solving operational challenges * Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA), counselor, alternative dispute resolution representative, mediation, data collector, organizer, and interpreter of demographic data for EO SELECTED HONORS AND ACHIEVEMENTS: * Referred to as a "Personnel Management Wizard" by supervisors and peers for innovative approach to personnel relations and retention lauded as a "problem-solver" and "fixer" * Received three consecutive commendable ratings on all EO program inspections * EO program recognized as the best in Asian pacific region supervised, planned, and coordinated world-class ethnic observances that were recognized as the best in the Asian region by U.S. Army inspection team * Demonstrated dynamic leadership qualities inspired confidence, respect, and teamwork amongst Soldiers and civilians * Exceeded all installations' basic training standards for physical fitness training, end of the cycle testing, and Drill and Ceremony competition to win Honor Platoon every cycle as a Drill Sergeant for 2 consecutive years. * Meet all requirements, demonstrating exceptional organizational skills and earning accolades from supervisors * Received four Meritorious Service Medals, Joint Service Accommodation Medal, four Army Commendation Medals, three Army Achievement Medals, two Defense Meritorious Medals, and numerous Certificates of Appreciation and Achievement * Ability to prioritize and respond timely in a fast-paced environment

Work Experience
Alliance Christian Academy (Aca) | Middle/High School Principal & College And Career Counselor | 8/2012 - 6/2017 |
(Confidential) | Independent Associate | 5/2008 - Present |
Department Of Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institution (Deomi) | Equal Opportunity Representative Course (Eor) | 1/2001 - 1/2001 |

