SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Web-design, Photoshop, InDesign, Photography, iMovie, Communication skills, Microsoft products (Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, and Access) spreadsheets, light recordkeeping, and blogging. Writing an autobiography book about my life. Summary budget pages on excel spread-sheet * Reconciled accounts and kept track of accounts * Trained students/staff in reading and accessing budget sheet Intern - Design Center- June 2015 - March 2016 Las Cruces, New Mexico Design Center at Milton Hall, New Mexico State University * Created iMovie for Girls Technology Camp * Created how-to guides for iMovie, for campers and volunteers * Created how-to guides for Photoshop, Twitter, Instagram, Indesign, and other apps * Posted daily written blogs on the camp website * Ran errands, Updated camp website * Photographed the campers for iMovie as well as for the camp website * Developed portfolio of internship work AMP Participant - June 2011 Las Cruces, New Mexico Research title - The Effects on Plants with Gibberillic Acid Mentor- Dr. Paul Bosland Project Aide II- May 2010 - August 2010 and June 2009 - August 2009 Las Cruces, New Mexico Agronomy and Horticulture Department, New Mexico State University * Watered green house and in shade house * Cut and assembled cages * Cut weeds at Plant Science Research Center (PSRC) and Horticulture Farm * Sowed chile, tomato, broccoli, and cauliflower seeds, collect data, grind plant tissue samples, extracted and counted nematodes * Labeled trays in sequential order, made hybridizations * Harvested chile and put it in dryer. Bagged and stored seeds in seed vault. * Packaged seeds, chile posters for sale at the Chile Pepper Institute. * Packaged ladybugs in freezer for pesticide usage. * HOBBIES/EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Web design, photography, writing, and designing print material. Tutoring kids in reading and writing. Gardening. Assist elderly or ill people in the community.

