Occupation:Human Resources Administrator |
Location:San Antonio, TX |
Education Level:Bachelor |
Will Relocate:YES |
SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE A well-educated professional, my expertise is in helping employees improve their performance, attitudes, and understanding of departmental operations and procedures as well as helping employers to appreciate the value of their employees. I effectively evaluate, coach and counsel employees and have used these skills to foster positive relationships among employees and departments as well as outside agencies. ACCOMPLISHMENTS * Created the Citizens on Patrol. Results: Program enables members of the Schertz Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association to actively patrol neighborhoods by providing extra eyes and ears for the police in maintaining a safe environment within the community, perform duties that enable officers to concentrate on higher priority patrol duties and assist in the determent of crime with highly visible patrol and observation. * Improved hiring process for all Department personnel. Results: Unqualified candidates were eliminated, opportunities for employees to participate in various aspects of the hiring process increased, and bias during the hiring process was significantly reduced. * Updated promotional tests and evaluation process. Results: Systematic process was put in place to test and evaluate candidates candidates were graded/evaluated according to a defined criterion that helped to decrease bias and potential favoritism/discrimination. * Implemented the department's first in-car video system. Results: Provided video data to support prosecution on traffic stops, decreased complaints on officers which saved time and money investigating unfounded complaints and improved officer training. * Pioneered and participated in the development of the Schertz Police Honor Guard. Results: Serves as the guardian of the colors by displaying and escorting the national flag in ceremonial occasions at official city, state, and national events. Provided the opportunity of paying last respects to fallen officers as well as city employees. * Consulted with Emergency Service Department heads regarding radio system upgrade. Results: Increased interoperability with outside emergency responders, enabled the City to be in compliance with legislation and opportunities to receive federal grant funding. * Restructured Criminal Investigations and Special Projects Divisions. Results: Required the rank of Corporal for entry into the division thereby increasing the desire of advancement opportunities among patrol officers. * Coordinated with department personnel to create the Citizen's Police Academy. Results: Created an expansion of the community based efforts, opened lines of communication between the Community and the Police Department, and increased citizens' understanding of the person behind the badge

