Occupation:Medical Sales Representative |
Location:Greenville, NC |
Education Level:Bachelor |
Will Relocate:YES |
Career Highlights: * Top 15% Total Portfolio Sales Results Q1, 2001 * Top 15% Evista Sales Results Q1, 2001 * Top 100 Club- Evista Composite June YTD * Top 100 Club- Prozac Composite June YTD * Total Fluoxetine 102% YTD 2001 * 100% YTD for Total Portfolio 2002 * Ranked 11th Prozac Weekly 57th Sarafem, 77th Evista and 33rd overall for effective performance for 2003 * Utilized leadership role with Prozac Weekly Champ to finish #1 District for 2003. Career Highlights: * Mentoring Proctor for Primary Care Sales Division 1999 * Runner Up for Rising Star Award for Region 1999 * Chosen for Strategic Account Planning Program for Region * Led District in TRX and MKT Share and % Change from March 1999 * Top 10 in Region TRX growth, MKT Share and % Change * Top 15 in Nation TRX growth, MKT Share and % Change * District Trainer from December 1999 - July 2000 NURSING EXPERIENCE: Home Technology Health December 1995 - March 1999 Registered Nurse Provided interactive case management and coordinated interdisciplinary care for home health patients with 80% of care being in the wound care market.

