Occupation:Human Resource Training Specialist |
Location:Fort Lauderdale, FL |
Education Level:Master |
Will Relocate:YES |
and * Professional and diverse administrative work involving positioning the organization as a premier employer through community outreach, including various job fairs and other community events. * Developed relationship with the local educational institution - Community College/ Universities to cultivate qualified job applications. * Acted as a liaison for agencies to recruit employees. Coordinates and conducts new employee orientation, including completion of onboarding paperwork, training about Equal Employment Opportunity laws and policies of the Clerk's office, benefits and other compensations procedures. * Assisted the Human Resource department in employee relations programs, risk management initiatives, compensation, labor relation, performance management and strategic planning. * Worked with the various divisions in creating and updating procedural manuals/handbook for all areas within the Broward County Clerk of Courts. * Prepared training material and coordinated training of other trainers in setting up various training tools and computer hardware and software used in training environment. * Prepared budget for community outreach job fair events and negotiated with job fair vendors. * Reviews bids, contracts and related documentation to verify for accuracy and competence. global offices in India and Dubai.


Job Skills
