in Motion Controller and Amplifier sales to OEM, Integrators and End Users in applications involving Additive Manufacturing, Automated Robotic Assembly, Automotive, Corp/University R&D, Data Storage, Defense, Fiber Optics/Telecom, Flat Panel, Govt Labs, Imaging/Optics, Labeling, Laser Processing, Life Sciences, Machine Tool, Medical Device Mfg, Military/Aerospace, Nano-Positioning, Packaging, Pharmaceutical, Photovoltaic, 3D Printing, Semiconductor, UAVs and more. * Managed six distribution sales channel partners in eastern half of US. addition to independently covering North Atlantic (NY NJ CT) from home office totaling ~$10 million per annum. Responsible for executing trade shows and e-marketing campaigns throughout the northeast US. Responsible for business development including lead generation through post-sales support throughout the northeast US. Increased sales on average 10-20% year on year.

