Occupation:Human Resources Manager |
Location:Darien, IL |
Education Level:Bachelor |
Will Relocate:YES |
Accomplishments Reduced cost of business $9M for Hewitt Associates Europe during organizational restructure. Led people strategy in reorganizing UK roles and growing Poland office from ten to 400. Achieved engagement score move from destructive zone to over 70 and best employer status in four years. Partnered with managers on succession to restructure leadership and move work to Poland. Led HR implementation and delivery projects in partnership with business, HR and project managers. Used project and change management principles to develop, propose and implement talent programs, HRIS systems, M&A integration, engagement strategies and culture change to support organizational talent strategies. Developed Aon Performance Model gaining leadership agreement to implement globally. Organizational Health Survey used to develop performance model process, system and behavioral priorities. Partnered with business leaders and HR to develop proposals with experiential learning shared at global leadership forum. Informed approach for goal setting, feedback, talent review, development planning, succession and year end evaluations. Rolled out performance model and learning & development solutions as part of Aon Talent Strategy. Partnered with business leaders and HR to develop, communicate and implement talent strategy to deliver an inclusive high performance culture for 10,000 colleagues. Facilitated in-person and virtual training for associates and managers. Achieved 100% online performance evaluation, enhanced succession plans and improved engagement feedback. Launched career paths and development guides in Aon University for Aon Shared Services. Worked with key stakeholders to collect input on career pathways facilitated discussions and gained executive agreement on development guide content based on experience, feedback and formal learning for eight job families. Led team that developed eight-week onboarding program for Bank of America client service employees. Largest client integration for Hewitt Associates globally. Led training development and resource allocation. Partnered with business, HR, and training to determine needs by location before service went live from US, Poland, and India. Led team of 12 to prioritize, develop and deliver talent development programs globally with a $12M budget. Partnered with business leaders to prioritize the development and delivery of talent development programs. Gained agreement on aligned resources and funding of programs. Provided leadership and coaching to enable delivery by talent program managers and their teams. Delivered project charter for online training modules about Aon global broking strategies for 12,000 employees. Partnered with leadership and providers to develop content of training. Not only were modules developed and translated into nine languages, but program data provided number of employees that completed and passed modules. Implemented performance management system globally in six months for Aon Hewitt Consulting. Led project implementation and communication team. Worked through resistance from leadership due to aggressive timelines. Extended goal setting timelines and managed translation issues for Canada. Enabled year end evaluations to be linked to compensation review system. Led team of 15 HR professionals supporting 1500 employees based in UK, Netherlands, Switzerland and Poland. Partnered with leadership to build people strategy delivered by HR business partners, talent acquisition, development, mobility and HRIS professionals. Communicated and implemented aligned business strategy to improve engagement and retention. Devised people strategy at State Street to integrate two organizations after M&A transaction. Aligned senior leaders with business strategy driven by focus on people, finance, clients, and operations. Drove people strategy supporting business growth in move from $36M loss to profit in four years. Engagement and retention improved. Employees encouraged to contribute ideas. Integrated leadership teams of Deutsche GSS and State Street, a $1.2B acquisition. Put together plan that incorporated 1000 employees from both companies. Built strategy for future people focus and plan for due diligence activity for employees in over ten countries. Created and implemented business plan for people acquisition that included: communication, terms and conditions, and union negotiation.

