developed 14. Managed all aspects of MCI and SBC's global business simultaneously managed multiple regional and independent accounts. 15. Exceeded 110% of quota 1999 through 2003 quotas ranged from $6.5M to $12.5M. 16. Top sales producer for eight consecutive years. 17. Set up first ever distribution networks in Texas, New Mexico, and Louisiana increasing sales by 20%. 18. Assisted MCI sales force to double business over a four year period. 19. Arranged financing for MCI's small to medium business customers. a marketing plan to build business with MCI. 21. Provided strategic input on redesign of company products to meet customer specifications. 22. Aided MCI in establishing a working business relationships with Cisco and the National Science Foundation. 23. Collaborated with MCI to design a test network using FUJITSU products resulting in the US government's first internet network (National Science Foundation).

