Summary Improved productivity, efficiency, and performance of people oriented hardware/software systems. Applied psychophysics, psychoacoustics, engineering psychology, human factors, biomechanics, anthropometrics, ergonomics, experimental learning paradigms, statistical designs, & HF S/W tools from design to manufacture of products, equipment, & systems. Reduced project costs <45% time and supporting designs, and established prioritizations accelerating developmental technologies. Decomposed situational awareness across multi-level systems using integrated engineering analyses, human-systems capabilities (UI/HCI/MMSI), aimed at optimizing operational readiness. Compressed task schedules by simplifying analyses/syntheses techniques, and functional decomposition of UX. Simulated paradigm effectiveness, invented and automated conceptual HF tools and algorithms, created/verified mind mapping prototyping +Medical systems and programs. Human Factors/Safety/Sales/Engineer (8 years) User Systems Engineering & Research Fullerton Ca. Contracted with major Aerospace Companies. Accrued work space operational productivity to 64% with corresponding reduction and simplification of critical field and safety tasks of first responders. -Resolved HF GSE issues and invented conflict resolution communication tools to prevent logjams between client organizations and procurement activities. -Determined data class to select relevant statistical process and analyze multi-level interdisciplinary issues resolving problems in MMI/P/CI/UX production/manufacturing processes. -Supervised IPT utilizing multi-disciplinary HF performance S/W tools to optimize HCI/MMI/UX evaluating new product designs prototyping production processes operational sequencing safety and mind mapping processes aimed at increasing and achieving productivity goals by 35%. -Assured job performance productivity effectiveness simplicity efficiency reliability operations safety training and maintenance procedures on related HF CDRL tasks. -Led cross functional business analyses and syntheses MAC team activities specifically aimed at performance planning verification testing and documentation of critical work processes. Human Factors/Systems Analysis (6 years) Computerized Engineering & Manufacturing Systems (CEAMS) Tustin Ca (Contracted with major Aerospace/Engineering/Medical organizations) General benefits accrued to companies included 20% reduction in personnel via increased productivity improved computer performance by RT concurrent AI processing increased PCB production +174% and artwork efficiency +239% and more. -Managed HFUX teams performing POS research statistical analyses developing experimental designs models prototypes assessments and documentation of best end user design practices. -Synthesized HF analytical tools creating efficient algorithms to automate military design processes. -Conformed HW/SW system specifications with detailed design parameters and requirements subsequently tracking costs schedules IPT issues and product performance.

