Occupation:Administrative Assistant |
Location:Baltimore, MD |
Education Level:Bachelor |
Will Relocate:YES |
A project manager combining over twenty years' experience with a passionate commitment to developing businesses and teams to meet changing technical and structural needs of the field. An experience of a variety of roles throughout the sector has allowed for the building and advancing of knowledge and skills including team management leadership project management knowledge of federal funds finance management and a variety of technical skills such as Microsoft Office Harvard Graphics IBM Mainframe DIWS LMS Oracle OS LexisNexis Scheduling Omega Travel System and OSHA 30. Accomplished an array of projects which included providing grant management support for the department of education designing and launching templates to drive down company costs saving over $30K annually per project developing inter-office manuals for complex assignments and preparing complex reports ensuring full compliance with government and private sector requirements and deadlines. A positive and engaging personality combined with the ability to take on coaching and leadership roles makes a strong positive contribution to the achievement of any business goals. Career Summary 2014 - 2017 MARYLAND STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST III (Division of Student, Family and Student Support) Key Achievements * Continued support for the Assistant State Superintendent and Interim Executive Director. * Continued support for specialists and other staff as assigned School Safety and Assessment, Pupil Personnel and School Workers, School Behaviour and Counselling, Health Services, and Dropout Prevention. * Created a new form for grantees to following when reporting for payment and or amendments to (NOGA) Notice of Grant Award funding. Responsibilities * Provide grant management support. * Provide grant fiscal support and communication. * Provide School Based Heath program support. * Draft and prepare documents Contract Agreements, Declarations, Affidavits, Consents, Merger Screening, and second requests Bridge to Excellence Master Plan for Maryland Schools Maryland Safe and Supportive Schools (MDS3) Bullying & Harassment Human Trafficking Non-Public Textbook Race to the Top (RTTT) PBIS. * Entering data into FMIS (Federal Management Information System). * Preparations of (FFATA) Federal Funds Accountability Transparency Act. 2009 - 2014 MOTOR VEHICLE ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST III/ CASE MANAGER Responsibilities * Process referrals from various sources Administrative Adjudication, Office of Administrative Hearing, Medical Advisory Board, District Court and Federal Court. * Review and screen referrals accuracy per IIP (Ignition Interlock Program) rules and restrictions. * Review and update driving and vehicle records License Monitoring System (LMS), registration and corrective data, screen compliance with C.O.M.A.R driving & road safety laws. * Case management prepare warning letters, apply/remove driving restrictions, record suspensions or revocations (withdrawal or entry), refer drivers to Medical Advisory Board (MAB) for non-compliance. * Prepare for Administrative Hearings provide customer option (s) for re-entry and/or suspension. * Maintaining a large data base for Maryland Drunk Driver's Ignition Interlock Program. * Prepare document to be scanned into DIWS (Document Imaging and Workflow System). * Prepare Government Contract for grants Supervisor construction program Current Driver's License, Azure OS, XP OS, Vista OS, XP OS. Career Summary cont.


Job Skills
