Summary Objective Driven Technical Account Executive with 20+ years of competitive experience in the marketing and development of new technologies that are brought to market as a result of successful collaboration with all facets of an organization that yields a successful sales program. Forward thinking manager and trainer experienced in all phases of design functions in technology, plus the service and manufacturing requirements for component product programs working with and directing team members to achieve organizational goals with broad based skills in: Marketing * Effectively evaluates the financial aspects of product development budgets, expenditures, R&D appropriations, return-on-investment and profit-loss projects. * Professionally formulates, directs and coordinates marketing activities and policies to promote products and services, working with advertising and promotion managers. * Negotiates contracts with vendors and distributors to manage product distribution, establishing distribution networks and developing distribution strategies. Product Budget Analysis * Expertly performs cost-benefit analyses to compare operating programs, review financial requests and explore alternative financing methods for cross-functional department collaboration. * Provides advice and technical assistance with cost analysis, fiscal allocation and budget preparation. * Analyzes business operations, trends, costs, revenues, financial commitments and obligations projecting future revenues and expenses or to provide advice. Product Management * Manages the movement of goods into and out of production facilities. * Establishes pricing levels to customers. * Directs and coordinates activities of business or departments concerned with production, pricing, sales and /or distribution of products. * Establishes and implements department policies, goals, objectives and procedures, conferring with organization officials and staff members as necessary