Seeking an upper level sales management position in a corporate sales department, which offers growth and promotional opportunities. Working directly with accounts to create growth and establish new markets. KEY ASSETS: * Bachelor's degree in business * Five years selling experience to Lowe's retail stores and 15 to Staples and related product stores. * Strong analytical, management and decision-making skills. * Excellent communication and relationship building skills * Strong Computer Skills (Excel, Word, & PowerPoint). * High degree of strategic acumen: ability to recognize and act upon Customer and Brand strategies and to evaluate performance based on strategic goals. * Thorough knowledge of Sales and Marketing principles as well as a basic understanding of the role that each functional area (logistics/customer service/finance) plays in achieving objectives. * Strong Analytical abilities are essential to identify business opportunities and understand the causes of any variance from plan. * Tandy Corporation Furniture Sales PROFESSIONAL SALES EXPERIENCE: KC Consulting, Columbus, OH - Seattle, WA Owner / Furniture Sales & Marketing Consultant KC Consultants worked with Manufactures Representative groups within the Office Furniture Industry in Office Products Business Sales. SP Richards, United Stationers, Buying Groups from across the United States. Big Box retail chains such as Wal-Mart, Target, Kohl's, Best Buy, Micro Center, and many more. Staples Office Furniture with contract sales. Office Depot, Office Max plus contract sales. Home Depot and Lowes with Ace and Do-It-Best hardware chains. Perfect Vision Manufacturing, North Little Rock, AR Sales Manager Mass Merchant Retail Managed entire retail development program taking Perfect Vision into the Hardware/Mass Market category. Developed new packaging for the retail line of products along with coaxial cable and product choices to move the company into retail. Worked with printing product packaging company to take the correct products into retail. Developed a hardware line/ mass market retail line of products to make the company successful as they entered into those channels. Have worked with Office Product Superstore's Staple's, Office Depot, and Office Max. Mass Market retail accounts such as Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy. Worked with and established close personal relationships with

