Occupation:Administrative Assistant |
Location:Norman, OK |
Education Level:Bachelor |
Will Relocate:YES |
Pro?le My work with the Department of Human Services, provided me the experience of becoming very organized, prioritizing tasks, and meeting important deadlines. OFFICE ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY of OKLAHOMA 2014 - 2017 I am currently on assignment with the OU Outreach Sponsored Programs division. I am an administrative assistant, scanning contracts into the Document Manager and Laser?sche. I also answer phones and direct calls to the appropriate departments, as well as route incoming and outgoing mail and log checks when they come into our of?ce. I recently completed an assignment through PEAK, working at the College of Liberal Studies assisting staff with D2L, CANVAS, and correcting and proofreading online course work. Previously, I acted for the Child Welfare Hands on Testing program from 2014 - 2015 SPV PROPERTIES 2010 - 2017 I also currently assist my husband in our real estate business. I locate properties, set up the appointments to view the prospective home we are looking at to purchase, and perform the initial walk-through, making note of all of the repairs, costs for repairs and the prospective return on our investment. CHILD WELFARE PROGRAM FIELD REP.'S ASSISTANT 2014 - 2015 I was responsible for assisting staff with writing acting scenarios for the Hands on Testing. I was also responsible for organizing and categorizing video disks for staff to be able to obtain them with ease. I also helped with setting up KK numbers and the information that is attached to the numbers in the KIDS system for workers in training to be able to test on them. I also assisted the director with proof reading and re-writing some curriculum for a new program the Department of Human Services was looking tom implement to be able to assist new Child welfare workers in the ?eld. CHILD WELFARE SPECIALIST II 2008 - 2010 As a Child Welfare Specialist II, I worked mainly in the Permanency Planning Unit. My job duties included, but were not limited to providing services to families including assessing the needs and strengths of the child consulting with service providers to evaluate the effectiveness of the services providing placements for children which met their medical, educational, and physical needs returned children to their own homes as soon as their needs could be met in their parent (s)' home, and arranged a permanent plan when return to the home was not possible.

