Accomplishments New business opportunities. AmeriClic Language Services, had traditionally sold to the same types of accounts. I was able to expand our services to domestic and international companies and triple company sales revenue. Perfect Record in training and development. Within Randstad, was directly responsible for recruiting, training and retention. Every new hire that came through my branch has successfully been promoted to management. Improved product visibility and market share. Reynolds American's training program needed a follow-up system to monitor effectiveness. Created a job specific website where participants could refer for critical updates. Determined that 90% of attendees used the site to become industry experts, improving market share up to 20%. Created training program for Division Sales Managers. Reynolds American lacked formal training for Sales Managers across its various divisions. Built training website with a formalized chat section where Best-Practices/ ideas could be shared. Improved management effectiveness and increased sales $15M (5%+) per year. Opened new market to boost sales. Only 30% of Reynolds American's sales force called on largest independent accounts. Shifted personnel in the retail division and expanded their client strategies, to include niche market accounts. Grew sales volume 50% or $2M per year. Turned around division by expanding sales activities. Took over Reynolds American's troubled Oklahoma and Kansas division. Product had been placed in only 50% of available retail outlets. Directed a division-wide blitz calling on all potential accounts weekly. Grew product placement from 50% of the outlets to 90% / revenues $8M. Streamlined sales training processes. Reynolds American wanted to train entire sales force in selling directly to the consumer. Turnaround time to train was 60 days and required having to fly 2500 sales reps to headquarters. Developed and implemented new computer based training program, saving $1.2M.

