Registered Nurse Career Research and Resources

Treasure Isle Care Center

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Miami Beach, FL

Prepare new hires in role in facility, give instruction on facility policy and procedures, instruct on how to chart in newly electronic health record system, and track employee health required immunizations, tests, license statuses, and provide required state education as well as any additional education needed to improve staff processes. Responsible for nearly 170 staff members education, employee health and license verifi...

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Health Park- Lee Memorial Health System

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Fort Myers, FL

Provided cardiac monitoring, was prepared for basic and advanced life support in case of an event, recognized basic heart arrhythmias and treatments, performed drug dosage calculations and titration methods as well as patient monitoring of effects of medications, and recognized signs and symptoms of instability.

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

University of Toledo Medical Center

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - University of Toledo Medical Center, FL

trained in every hospital unit and assumed responsibility of assignments throughout the hospital as needs arrived to assure no short staffing took place and all patients were provided adequate care.

Avg. Salary: $70,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Pensacola Naval Hospital

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Pensacola, FL

A Registered professional nurse who provides patient care, including scrubbing and circulating operative procedures, training, orienting, and evaluating perso1mel maintaining aseptic technique and a safe environment, and assisting with administrative duties as required. The nurse also supervises enlisted personnel

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Specialty Center of Pensacola

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Pensaiola, FL

1. The primary focus for a risk manager is to be able to identify and eliminate any risk that may result in injury, or legal liability. 2. To take constant steps to analyze and fix any areas where the company is open to litigation. 3. To use any and all techniques lo lessen loss such as avoidance, transfer of employees who pose a risk, retention of policies, and grouping units together that have a higher chance of causing r...

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

John C North Mounlain T .e:vel One Trauma Hospital

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Phoenix, AZ

Consults and coordinates with health care team members to assess, plan, implement and evaluate Piltient plans 2. Conducts pre and post operative education 3. Scrves as the communication liaison to family and members of the operating team 4. Ensures that operating on correct patient and the correct procedure is being performed 5. Responds to 1itc-saving situations based upon nursing standards and protocol 6. R...

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

John C Lincoln No.rth Mountain Level One Trauma Hospital

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Phoenix, AZ

Prepared operating room in a timely manner with all anticipated supplies, equipment, positioning and monitoring devices for procedures. ;i;Documcntcd/ve:rified instrwnent trays for completeness/functional prior to start of case. *Utilized supplies and equipment in a cost effective mwmer. *Tcstcd equipment for safe and proper functioning before procedure. *Established priorities that promoted safe, effective care in a ti...

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Sacred Heart Hospital

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Pensacola, FL

Circulated all specialty services independently and with competence including: Ears, Nose, and Throat Surgery, Eye Surgery, Podiatry, Gastroenterology Procedures, General Surgery, Gynecology Surgeiy, Lithotripsy, Neurosurgery (Brain, Spinal Cord and Nei-vous System), Oral Facial Surgery, Orthopedic Surgeiy/Total Joints, Pediatric Surgery, Plasric Surgeiy, Trauma Surgery, Urologic Piocedures and Vascular Surgeiy, •Time manag...

Avg. Salary: $0   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Philadelphia, PA

Registered Nurse and Charge Nurse on inpatient neurology unit

Avg. Salary: $60,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

Healthcare & Medical - Registered Nurse - Philadelphia, PA

Managed the performance improvement component of Solid Organ Transplant-QAPI. Lead multiple patient safety and performance improvement initiatives. Served as a Lean Leader on various hospital projects. Supported Critical Care Clinicians in development clinical protocols- Sepsis, Infection Control Initiatives, Resuscitation Outcome Improvements. Lead VAD team in recertification of Disease Specific Certification for CMS

Avg. Salary: $94,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available