Educational Administrator Career Research and Resources

Rowan-Cabarrus Com. Col.

Education, Training, & Library - Educational Administrator - Salisbury, NC

Research, dev. and obtain accreditation for program. Dev. marketing materials, market program with employers & potential students. Run program.

Avg. Salary: $73,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Rowan-Cabarrus Com. Col.

Education, Training, & Library - Educational Administrator - Salisbury, NC

Create an academic advising program to improve recruitment and retention of college students. I envisioned, developed and established the center/s, wrote the procedures manual, hired personnel, trained personnel and ran the centers (located one per campus). Conducted personnel evaluations annually, held upgraded training session annually. Dev. evaluation instruments to both evaluate the advisors and the advising centers ...

Avg. Salary: $73,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Rowan-Cabarrus Com. Col.

Education, Training, & Library - Educational Administrator - Salisbury, NC

Researched, developed and established Writing Tutoring Centers on each campus. Hired personnel, dev. procedure manuals, trained personnel, evaluated personnel and program through evaluation instruments I dev. Continued to upgrade services and functions of centers. Final act - set online service.

Avg. Salary: $73,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Davidson County Com. Col

Education, Training, & Library - Educational Administrator - Lexington, NC

This was a part time position the entire time. I taught college Transfer English, Dev. a Technical Writing program for them. Dev. new Reading courses for those who read at grade level, but need help with comprehension & speed, such as Pre-Med, Pre-Law, Professionals in the area, etc. Worked in the Prison Program with offenders just prior to them being released to a half-way house.

Avg. Salary: $73,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Rutledge College

Education, Training, & Library - Educational Administrator - ?Greensboro, NC

Actually responsible for the entire academic workings of the college. The Dir. or CEO was in charge of running the college facility, but never got involved in academics. I hired, evaluated and fired all professional personnel. I dev. all curriculum programs, courses, etc. while there, I achjieved accreditation of the college for the first time in its history. Today, the college no longer exists - it was a proprietor...

Avg. Salary: $73,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Southern Guilford H.S.

Education, Training, & Library - Educational Administrator - Greensboro, NC

Taught 11th & 12 th grade English.

Avg. Salary: $73,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Allen Jay High School

Education, Training, & Library - Educational Administrator - High Point, NC

Taught college transfer English, coached a debate team that travelled on weekends and competed. We won many local, state and national titles.

Avg. Salary: $73,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Grimsley H.S.

Education, Training, & Library - Educational Administrator - Greensboro, NC

I taught English in grades 10 - 12 - mostly college transfer.

Avg. Salary: $73,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Dudley H.S.

Education, Training, & Library - Educational Administrator - Greensboro, NC

Taught in Upward Bound Program with UNC-G, A&T, and Greensboro City Schools- Taught English.

Avg. Salary: $73,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available

Trinity H.S.

Education, Training, & Library - Educational Administrator - Trinity , NC

Teach high school English grade 10 - 12. Produce two to three dramas per year. Publish the yearbook annually.

Avg. Salary: $73,000   ·    Company Rank: Not Available