


Executive Assistant - 20 Years of Experience - Near 08054


Executive Assistant


Mount Laurel, NJ

Education Level:


Will Relocate:



CAREER HIGHLIGHTS * Formulated, prepared and promulgated all contracts for major and minor league players. Managed signing of all minor league player contracts and all personnel documents mandated by MLB each spring during intensive 2-day session. Answered questions and responded to concerns of players who were reluctant to sign. Reviewed salary increases for players using statistics from previous year and payment structure of organization. * Worked closely with MLB Player's Association, remaining in compliance with any contract issues. Received approval to attend union and player closed-door meetings (only MLB representative granted permission), enhancing players' understanding of benefits package. Coordinated with MLB Security Department, handling safety and well-being of players and players' families. * Established long-term working relationships with colleagues at MLB by communicating on daily basis via emails or phone and reporting all transactions to MLB on daily basis, communicating with various departments, for example, baseball, public relations or finance. * Remained current on daily basis, keeping abreast of all player transactions including DL (disabled list) assignments, bonus payments due, and College Scholarship Plan payments Ensured that educational institutions for new minor league players who negotiated college scholarships into initial contracts with club received payments, and that player attended institution while active or post-playing career. * Orchestrated and coordinated annual 5-day, organizational meeting for baseball department of approximately 130 employees. Evaluated player talent and developed ideas on improving 8 clubs for following season and beyond. Discussed latest trends in physical conditioning as well as medical treatment plans. Invited guest speakers to address specialty topics including sensitivity training, drug awareness education and inclusion. Organized travel, hotel arrangements/meals, special events, agenda and schedules. Assisted in planning of annual organizational celebration for 300+ employees during spring training. * Traveled to Dominican Republic two to three times/year coordinating with local facility and ensuring compliance with US home team best practices. Re-decorated facility with team logos and pictures of all US facilities, giving players an added incentive to further goals of making it to major leagues. Provided players with a vision of playing in US. Started an education program so that players could earn degrees, for example, 8th grade or HS diploma as well as adding an English program. * Oversaw design of new in-house personnel system to run in conjunction with MLB system, converting entire database of player personnel files from 60+ years from paper to digitized format. Selected external vendor after researching several outside companies to complete project. * Managed key project that eliminated duplicate data entries by merging MLB computer system with in-house tracking system, coordinating with IT department and resulting in freeing up tremendous amounts of work hours for other critical objectives. * Created volunteer initiative that challenged minor league players to volunteer 10-15 hours during season with hospitals, schools, girls clubs, boys clubs and other organizations. Participation increased every year over 4-year period. Reached out to all minor league clubs' community relations departments, assisting in finding programs for players. Managed program and drove value of being a team player across organization. Coordinated end-of-season award presentation, dinner and family weekend events. * Reduced medical expenses by $250K annually with proper monitoring of workers' compensation, meeting with carrier on monthly basis. Oversaw daily log of medical bills. * Presented and explained benefits package to potential draftees and parents, newly acquired players and current players multiple times during year. Managed and provided support for new players making transition to major leagues. * Managed "Live and Silent Auctions" for annual fundraiser on behalf of ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter raising $100-$200K per year. Worked throughout year, collecting 200-300+ items for auction. Supervised 20 volunteers on event day to work silent auction tables. Wrote script for auctioneer for live auction items. Prepared all necessary documents, ensuring prompt payments and accurate inventory. Provided updates for board and ALS foundation members on quarterly basis. Raised $16MM+ over 30-years for ALS. PROVEN SKILLS Unique ability to continually re-adjust priorities depending on business objectives. Developed best practices used for on-boarding of new players. Outstanding negotiation skills, and contractual and financial experience. Demonstrated skills as a keen problem-solver. Developed into trusted resource and advisor to senior management/owners. HELD WITH PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES





