Occupation:Training & Development Manager |
Location:Huntsville, AL |
Education Level:Bachelor |
Will Relocate:YES |
PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY I am a strong people person & relationship builder with 38 years of Sales, Business Development experience within the aerospace, automotive and communication industries. Calling on such companies as Parker, P&W, UTC, Rockwell, Motorola, ITT, Litton, L-3, Ford, Chrysler, Raytheon, and others. This experience provided the skill level to work both with engineering & manufacturer's projects from ground floor to the chairs surrounding the executive conference table. Below are some of my personal and team success over the years. Have built and sold an Electronic Manufacturing Company to a Public start up in the 1980's. Hold five different patents related military and commercial sighting systems. Skilled team leader with many years of experience both in electrical and mechanical manufacturing operations Individual with great work ethic, and passion for the people and products that we supply our customers. Always a team player. Without good people and great customers, we have no road map to a sustainable business model of success. Worked both in private sector companies and publicly traded companies Worked and developed largest single project securing a 122-million-dollar order or three years with Gilbarco Inc. Twenty-five years of sales and business development globally. Have worked & traveled to 80 different countries Fifteen years of P&L responsibilities and turnaround of small business, both domestic and internationally Well established customer and business contacts around the world Well-seasoned relationship builder within and out of the organization. Excellent relationships with many different companies within the Automotive, Oil & Gas, Aerospace, communications, segments of global markets. Strong business development skills in long term strategic thinking with practical common sense approach to tactical implementation of sustainable business opportunities. Strong team player and allowing talent to flow up and mentoring new talent for the future. Product Revamping product development and building a multi-national sourcing model to drive down costs and improve margins Responsible for product development and sourcing of more than $50Million annually (at cost) in hard line goods Set up and monitored over 70 manufacturing relationships for over 2500 product SKU's in 9 countries including development included materials selection best location of manufacture packaging design (and production) and pricing. Products included the categories of Hunting (ammunition blinds treestands etc.) Fishing (rods reels lures tackle boxes etc.) Marine (electronic gear paddles life vests waders etc.) and ATV division Selection and management of packing shipping customs (tariffs) and importation decisions related to over 50 million dollars sourced annually Responsibility for driving forward over $10 million in direct product savings and a 7% increase in sales of hard goods import products Collaborated successfully with Gander Mountain departments and clients to produce positive outcomes

