ACCOMPLISHMENTS - Business Operations * Directed services and associated product purchasing for $2.5b flooring and related programs * Directed multiple business operational, Logistics and distribution management $500m * Directed corporate customer experience and logistics operations supporting revenues exceeding $4b Business Development * VP of operations and business development for .com startup targeting home d�cor segment * Developed and executed multiple customer engagement processes, systems and capital improvements * Sales and marketing development / including SEO, Paid Search, Social media supporting $400m in sales * Directed outside strategic business development Commercial customer growth exceeding $600m Business Integration * On-line / Store specialty sales process integration (Interconnected retail for specialty product classes) * Home Depot - Internal and External Operations for consumer / supplier systems and strategies integration * Walmart - Service centers and logistics Infrastructure design and development of 1000+ seat service center * Berkshire Hathaway (Shaw Industries) - operations integration for Acquisitions (Amoco Fibers, Armstrong, WestPoint Pepperell, Salem Carpets, NY Carpet World, Color Tile)