COVER LETTER: To Whom It May Concem, Debbie has been a great asset to the practice. She is responsible for turning my accounts receivable department from a disaster to a 98% current status. Debbie has worked so efficiently that she has turned a two-person full-time position into a one-man part-time position. This was a direct result of Debbie taking the initiative to change what was not working and implement what was needed. Her professionalism coupled with her diligence has made her a leading team player within our practice and it will be difficult to replace her. I wish her well and strongly believe that Debbie will be an asset to any company. Yours truly, Dr. Brian Palmer @ 201, 239 MEdpark Way SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2X 1M2 Telephone (403) 256-6666 Fax (403) 256-3424

Work Experience
South Hill Designs | National Director | 1/2013 - 1/2016 |
Simply You | Business Development Manager Corporate Position | 5/2009 - 8/2012 |
Avon Corporate | District Sales Manager | 11/2006 - 5/2009 |
Edmonton & District Dental Society | Office Coordinator (Worked From Home Office) | 1/2003 - 5/2007 |
Posting Cheques From Both Patients And Insurance Company's | Tudor Glen Smile Clinic Accounts Receivable/Collections/Reception Mid Sun Dental Clinic Accounts Receivable/Collections/Reception Foothills Medical Centre Unit Clerk L&D Post Partum Patient Placement | 1/2001 - 10/2003 |


Job Skills
