SUMMARY * SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9. Additional experience using SAS/SQL, SAS/MACROS, SAS/STAT, and SAS/GRAPH. * Recent Master's Degree with coursework that includes Statistical Methods, Regression, Categorical Data Analysis, Applied Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, and Applied Bayesian Methods. * Additional programming experience in R * Excellent written and oral communication skills, frequently explaining statistical concepts to people with less statistical knowledge. * Self-motivated individual with strong interpersonal skills STATISTICAL PROJECTS * Assisted a prospective doctoral candidate in the design and analysis of middle school mindfulness data using an Analysis of Variance model using R. * Used R to analyze fishery biomass data using a Tweedie model, useful in analyzing continuous response variables that exhibit some discrete properties. This proved to be the superior model in comparison to a logistic/linear hurdle model using training-testing model validation. Spacial correlation was examined using semivariograms and Moran's I. * Used logistic regression in SAS with data collected from a driving simulator to compare braking events under various stressors to study the effects of texting to other distractions.