Leadership and project planning: * Facilitating and participating in meetings discussions and advisory meetings between the Ministry of Health international organizations and donor agencies with the agenda of developing legislation drafts national policies and programs on communicable diseases. * Building teams and providing training to the respective staff at national and district level for developing national disease surveillance and disease control systems. * Developing biennium program and budget plan for the communicable disease program of WHO Nepal. Outbreak investigation and source identification: * Providing leadership in conducting outbreak investigations of illnesses through devising of initial descriptive (time place person) analysis and observational (cohort case control or cross sectional) study designs in terms of research methodology. * Supervise and coordinate the members of the investigation team in collection of disease information samples vector related information etc. * Prepare relevant report and communicate the outcome of the investigation to the relevant stakeholders mainly the Government counterparts. Communicable disease surveillance Designing developing and strengthening surveillance and response systems and databases for detection and control of communicable diseases in Nepal. * Providing expertise in analysis of data collected through national communicable disease surveillance systems while supervising a team of junior epidemiologist data manager statistician and data entry clerks. * Supporting the Government's function to cross check and verify the integrity of data collected by national health sub-divisional units (districts - equivalent to US counties) on communicable disease surveillance Advanced data analysis and research * Providing technical expertise to the Government in conducting systematic literature review for research in disease control processes. * Develop national surveillance databases and disease registries analysis plan and conduct periodic analysis of the databases. support national health management information system (HMIS) Additionally on strengthening national disease surveillance systems. * Performing advanced research in data science with regards to use of national data for decision making. Communication skills * Proven record of producing high quality reports national policy documents and guidelines. * Communicating the findings of disease surveillance epidemiological functions undertaken by the team and outbreak investigation reports to a varied range of audience. * Providing lecture classes and field trainings to Government trainees on principles and practice of Epidemiology.

University of Aberdeen | Specialised in Epidemiology | 2001 | Bachelor Degree |


Job Skills
