COVER LETTER: To whom it may concern: My experience and management skills are surpassed only by my enthusiasm to effectively meet head on any challenges presented to me. With that point in mind, I am now actively seeking a new career within a corporation that offers opportunities to use my years of business experiences, acquired management skills and operational knowledge. The enclosed résumé reflects a dynamic over-achiever eager to put my expertise and superior leadership skills to work, in a fast-paced environment where performance and hard work can affect the bottom line in a positive manner. As you will discover, I am a highly capable individual with 25 plus years of successful upper-level management retail administrative and sales/marketing experiences and knowledge. I practice a management style that is one that motivates people through the use of positive feedback and support. Additionally, the following personal characteristics I possess would positively benefit any employer or company looking to improve their bottom line or market share: * Strong belief in company loyalty and professional integrity supported by a superior work ethic, and strong belief in the idea of TEAM! * Ability to think in a rationally and logical way and the ability to clearly determine the overall picture when making management decisions. I take pride in my track record of producing even under pressure. * A strong leadership model, excellent organization skills and a positive attitude that always motivates others to higher levels of performance. * Ability to effectively delegate tasks and monitor employee's performance while helping to increase their efficiency. Teaching the art and benefits that come from superior follow-up skills and organization techniques. A résumé can only give you a superficial picture of what I might contribute to your organization's needs. I believe that you will discover that I am an excellent mid to upper managerial candidate with whom a personal interview would be highly beneficial. I will confirm receipt of this correspondence within the week (via a phone call) with the goal of hopefully setting up an appointment to meet with you at your convenience. Sincerely, Charles M. Kline