Accomplishments Business Development. Added multiple mutually supportive product lines in electrophoresis, accelerated sales and profit growth Integrated OEM products to proprietary product line doubling sales and adding significant market share. Sales increases of over 50% annually, added five new products and seven foreign distributors in first year Brought start-up company to ninth position on the Philadelphia Area Top 100 Private Companies list Developed sales and market strategy bringing German filter company to US market prominence and profitability Co-authored, with industry researchers, development papers on innovative analytical procedures Marketing: Sustained 38% annual sales growth over five years Trained sales forces, directed exhibit program, literature development: mailings, and catalogs * Enhanced designs to update and replace existing products to best competition * Developed and implemented successful market strategy for cash poor New York State distribution Co. * Originated a successful marketing strategy of catalogs, sales literature, shows and advertising for startup Co. * Technically trained sales force and increased sales 100% nationally in one year Sales Management * Developed sales strategy, to integrate personnel, information systems to achieve increases sales and profitability * Revamped sales and marketing effort to achieve a growth rate for company sale at a premium. * Developed team: coordinated sales, marketing, customer/technical services and product management Streamlined communication for implementation of product improvements. Sales * Established company visibility, Eastern Region, in PC and MacIntosh image analysis * Achieved over 40% sales increase in each fiscal year with equipment company Consistently attained sales achievement awards Western Region * Developed sales plan for three new industries: Mining, Plating, Beverage * Achieved over 50% sales increase in each fiscal year with the consumables company * Successfully introduced New TOF Mass Spec. to marketplace