To whom it may concern, Good day to you, please allow me to introduce myself. I am Jeff Joy, and it would be an honor to be considered for the position of Sr. Recruiter with your company. During my career I have had extensive experience in handling a broad scope of duties with which I have gained expertise in the HR arena: Workforce planning, Compensation assessment / negotiations, Executive interface up to Board level for Multi-national companies to conceive the scope of strategy for workforce planning and its implementation, requirements gathering, full lifecycle recruiting from sourcing, technical interviewing, setting up and coordinating, as well as establishing, interviewing processes in collaboration with leadership, salary negotiations, to onboarding. Having worked in a number of different market verticals, I have successfully sourced and placed a broad scope of individuals from single contributors and those in leadership positions, from Executives of multi-national companies, those with TS / SCI clearances (including lifestyle / full scope poly), engineering, architecture, systems backgrounds; these would also include high level Program / Project Managers, Supply Chain Specialists, Comptrollers, Controllers, and many others within the IT, Supply Chain and Financial Service spaces. Within the scope of these duties, I have also played a significant part as a change agent in large organizations in collaborating with senior leadership to conceive succession planning and career pathing as part of enterprise wide change transformation efforts. This also included needed knowledge of financial planning as well as the business / organizational modeling. Please let me know if there is anything that would be needed from myself to initiate or further a dialogue for this opportunity. I thank you in advance for your time, and look forward to hearing from you, Jeff Joy 469-733-7851

