Address: 10825 Charles Place St. Ann, MO 63074 / Phone: 314-243-7670 Email: Deborah A. Whitehorn Career Profile: Seeking employment where I can utilize my experience, training, professional, organizational, personal and interpersonal communication skills, to advance, grow and build with a successful company. Professional Strengths: • Ability to present ideas in an effective manor • Ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure • Ability to communicate exceedingly well with clients • Possess strong management and excellent organizational skills • Strong work ethic • Possess excellent verbal and written communication skills • Collaborate well with others • HR and sales experience • Management Technical Skills: • Knowledge of Macintosh and Windows Operating Systems • Knowledge of basic operating software such as: (Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel and the Internet) • Proficient in designing, graphic and web software: Adobe suite including: (Photoshop, Illustrator, In Design, Dream Weaver etc.) • Photography and Lighting • Familiar with Video and Television Production (Pre– Post Production processes) Editing software including: (Final Cut Professional, iMovie, iDVD, Flash) • Proficient in retouches to develop final art • Some web coding (HTML and CSS) Professional Experience: Freelance (Graphic Designer –Photographer) - 1993 - Current Graphic design projects, photography, retouching, build client relationships, and self-promotion to acquire new clients and projects, Sales, HR, account management Steak –n- Shake (General Manager- GM) - 2008 - 2010 HR, Cashier, Inventory, Ordering, P and L, Deposits, Training and Certifying Crew and Managers, Inspections, Scheduling Long John Silvers / A&W (General Manager- GM) 2006 - 2008 HR, Cashier, Inventory, Ordering, P and L, Deposits, Training and Certifying Crew and Managers, Inspections, Scheduling Subway (General Manager GM) 2003 - 2006 HR, Cashier, Expert Sandwich Maker, Ordering, Inventory, P and L, Deposits, Training and Certifying Crew, inspections, Scheduling Extended Resume Upon Request Educational Summary Colorado Technical University Master’s Degree Business (Entrepreneur) Current Colorado Technical University Bachelor’s Degree Business Administration December 2014 Webster University Bachelor’s Degree Interactive Digital Media May 2014 St. Louis Florissant Valley Comm. College Associate Degree Graphic Communications New Media May 2012 St. Louis Florissant Valley Comm. College Certificate (AOS) Automated Office System 2001 - 2002 Microsoft Office Software Elaine Steven’s Beauty College 1995 - 1996 Cosmetology References Upon Request

