DAVID MAINS 3005 Turner Warnell Rd. Arlington Texas 76001·817-366-9141 I am currently seeking a challenging career opportunity in a Sales capacity and am submitting my resume for your review. In advance, thank you for your time and consideration. As demonstrated in the accompanying resume, my professional qualifications include experience in sales, development and management. An examination of my credentials will confirm that I am a skilled professional who thrives in a challenging work environment. I am driven, independently motivated, and results-oriented. I enjoy a challenge and work hard to achieve success. It is my practice to operate within a strict conduct of professionalism and integrity with my clientele. To complement this background, I offer a strong work ethic and proven leadership skills. As an employee, you will find me to be a driven team player committed to supporting you in achieving your objectives through superior performance. I am confident that I could be a valuable asset to your company, and look forward to interviewing with you in the near future. Sincerely David Mains