5 time President's Award Winner, along with winning Sales, Fixed Operations Excellence awards consecutively. Top 15 in a Region of 74 dealers for 10 years and in the top 8 for three years in New Vehicle Operations. Please take into account that this dealership is a single point, non-metro dealership located on the Kitsap Peninsula, and since we are surrounded by water, half of my PMA is closer to another Toyota dealership than mine. Sales & Fixed Operations Customer Satisfaction in every category was among the very highest in the 5 state region. Our Fixed Operations "Retention" was the highest in the 5 state region. After one year of graduating from the National Automobile Dealer Academy, Toyota Motor Sales USA granted me as a "Certified Toyota General Manager". Working for two Toyota dealerships in 20 years is a testament to my commitment to my employer. I work with only one thing in my mind; that is to dominate my market in every department.

