My most gratifying management accomplishments have involved organizations whose leadership felt its operations were dysfunctional and wanted a manager able to successfully turnaround the organization. I was brought in to reorganize, implement change in policies, procedures, staffing and systems.
Specific examples include:
• Implemented comprehensive system changes that improved infirmary's financial position from no cash reserves and $400,000 operating loss to positive profit margins and $1.5M in cash reserves.
• Negotiated the purchase and integration of a private established Neurotology practice into an academic faculty practice, and the acquisition of audiology services to develop a Hearing and Balance Center to increase profitability and provide one-stop-shopping for patients.
• Launched well-received program of professional development courses for all staff, introduced, implemented pre-employment testing, performance appraisal process, mentoring and coaching which lead to improved employee satisfaction selection, retention, and productivity.
While I have taken on many roles, I feel I am most effective as a team leader-someone who generates new ideas and comes up with novel solutions to problems, and as a motivator –someone who puts the right team together to put all the pieces in places to improve efficiency and quality. It takes a team to achieve an organization’s goals
Companies I like:
University of Illinois; Michael Reese Hospital